Another acquisition

Started by Dusty Tagalon, July 24, 2018, 06:38:41 PM

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Dusty Tagalon

I came by an 1889/1895 Colt Navy? The question mark comes from someone ground off the butt plate, so true identity gone. What points it toward an 1889/1895, 4 major parts have stars on them, (research tells me, stars indicate factory rebuild). There is a star on barrel, frame, crane, & cylinder. One other ident leans Navy, N.C.T. 1896 on left grip. One other unsual item from the 1892s I have, a serial number on the barrel. There are 2 possibilities, sometime in its history, stolen, or someone trying to pass off an 1892 series as a 1889/1895. The 2nd makes little sense, for a known Army is more vauable then ? Gun is functional, will have to load hallow base wadcutters. Pretty much looks like any in the 1892 series, except in places the should be inspectors inits, there is a star. Not really worth posting a photo.
Thinking about the markings & lack of inspectors marks, 1889 came back to factory for refit, never made it back to Navy, sold on commercial, so buttplate ground off to cover it up.

Sir Charles deMouton-Black

I hope you are using the HOLY black with those HALLOWed bullets. :D
NCOWS #1154, SCORRS, STORM, BROW, 1860 Henry, Dirty Rat 502, CHINOOK COUNTRY
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