73 Lever Spring What am I missing

Started by hp246, September 07, 2018, 07:50:43 PM

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Trying to install a Smith Shop coil lever safety spring.  Spring installed.  Works fine.  Removed old leaf lever spring.  Retained stock trigger spring.  If I function the lever, the hammer locks back and falls properly.  However, if I try to cock the hammer without operating the lever the hammer will not lock back. won't go to half cock either.  Taken it apart and back together a couple times. everything looks right, but...

Will call The Smith Shop next week if no replies, but wanted to try to get it done this weekend.  Thanks. 


Take the lower tang completely out of the rifle so you can see everything that moves.  Then cock the hammer and see what the hammer is running into.  Cocking with the lever has HUGE mechanical advantage that is missing when you thumb cock.  Then closely watch what the trigger assembly does.

If the hammer has full travel to the rear, then the problem is in the trigger assembly.  Something is preventing the upper (sear) portion of the trigger assembly from engaging the hammer.

With a bright enough light, you may not have to remove the lower tang.  Good Hunting  :P

PS:  If the same mistake exists every time you take it apart and put it together, it will get real frustrating (you know that already).  So look carefully at the assembly to see what it is doing, and more important, what it is not doing.  You don't have an after-market trigger in this rifle do you??


The only after market parts are the C & I Short stroke toggles, whispers springs and now the Smith Shop coil lever safety spring.  All other parts are stock.  Set it down last night.  Will look at it after work tomorrow.  Thanks Coffinmaker.


I just remembered.  Anymore I have the memory of a Gnat.  Often the Smith Shop style coil springs used to replace that horrible OEM safety lever spring are too wide for the space inside the lower tang to the safety lever.  Puts undue pressure on the safety lever and can cause it to interfere with the sear.

You may need to remove a little material to clearance the spring and allow the safety bar to operate freely ???


Got it.  Thanks Coffinmaker.  A couple of things going on.  Took your advice.  Pulled the stock off again.  Had my wife hold a penlight on the mechanism as I worked the hammer and trigger.  First, I noted if I pulled the hammer back really hard, I could get the hammer to cock.  First, the dog on the new lever spring was too long and hanging up on the side of the trigger group assembly.  Second, when cocking the hammer, it was contacting the top of the spring dog.  Trimmed the dog length and notched the top of the lever safety bar.  Voila.  Everything works.   

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