Sharps on Auction

Started by Coal Creek Griff, March 16, 2018, 01:44:40 AM

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Coal Creek Griff

Ian takes a look at an interesting Sharps rifle, repeating a few historical "facts" which have at least been called into question, if not completely debunked.  I wish that he had given a better look at the patchbox(?) on the stock.

I recommend that someone here buy it to give us a full report. It's your duty to assist with our education.

CC Griff
Manager, WT Ranch--Coal Creek Division

BOLD #921
BOSS #196
1860 Henry Rifle Shooter #173
SSS #573

dusty texian

Interesting Sharps for sure . Notice the front scope mount is made from a rear barrel sight / or appears  to be . The shooter scraped down the butt stock cheek  piece area. Looks like its been there and worked hard . ,,,DT

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