Marlin 38/357 1894

Started by Blackjack Charlie, December 31, 2017, 01:15:58 AM

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Blackjack Charlie

Blackjack Charlie
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NCOWS #3785 Pistoleer
2017 Inaugural SMVS The Quick and The Dead  Shootout Winner
Webmaster and Deputy Marshal Johnson County Rangers

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Crow Choker

One word--Ugly. Plastic stock on a lever gun, a Marlin even. Bad enough ruining a lever gun with plastic stock, but then hang a ugly suppressor on it. Marlin should concentrate on improving the quality of their current and old offerings rather than market a piece of crap like this. Fits right in with Mossberg's ugly looking AR style collapsible stock lever action rifles. Suppressors---everyone getting to lazy to use earplugs or muffs. On another gun forum, someone brought this Marlin nightmare up. One poster said it would be like John Wayne wearing Spandex yoga pants. Thumbs down on this one.
Darksider-1911 Shooter-BOLD Chambers-RATS-SCORRS-STORM-1860 Henry(1866)-Colt Handgun Lover an' Fan-NRA-"RiverRat"-Conservative American Patriot and Former Keeper & Enforcer of the Law an' Proud of Being Both! >oo

Blackjack Charlie

Yeah I don't care for the ugly plastic abomination but if you scroll further down the proper 1894's  now include the option for 38/357 caliber to go,with  the 44 mag and 45LC.   Maybe at SHOT Show this year.
Blackjack Charlie
NCOWS Secretary
NCOWS #3785 Pistoleer
2017 Inaugural SMVS The Quick and The Dead  Shootout Winner
Webmaster and Deputy Marshal Johnson County Rangers

A proud member of Open Top Productions
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Blackjack Charlie

Blackjack Charlie
NCOWS Secretary
NCOWS #3785 Pistoleer
2017 Inaugural SMVS The Quick and The Dead  Shootout Winner
Webmaster and Deputy Marshal Johnson County Rangers

A proud member of Open Top Productions
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I'd really like to have a Stainless 38/357 but I think it might be a mite rough on the timer with the suppressor.  Constant reloads to get ten would also get kinda annoying.  Nah.  I'll pass.

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