Need Help With a Buying Strategy

Started by FloraBama Kid, June 29, 2004, 10:23:08 PM

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FloraBama Kid

Now the Little Lady has an "idea" that I want some .45LC pistols and that I don't want another Ruger. But she doesn't really understand the "dire need" to diversify your gun collection.

So I'm pretty sure she would support (eventually) picking up  some Rodeos. Now the challenge is to how to justify an "upgrade" to a USFA SAA or even better yet, a Real Colt! :P

What should be my strategy? So far I have this:

1. The Rodeos are great, but ugly. Add another $400 dollars each and have a beautiful USFA SAA.

2. Don't even beat around the bush; go with the Colt because you can always get your money back in the resale value.

What ya think?
~~~SASS# 54776~~~ BOLD# 568~~~

Jose Grande

The answer in obvious... If you can afford it, get the Colt. You are not gonna lose money on it as long as you take care of it. In years to come a Colt will be worth more than it is now. I wish I had one or two or several or ....... well anyhow, you get the idea. ;D
He shouldn't ought'a decorated his saloon with my friend.
Well now.......yall gonna pull them pistols or whistle Dixie ?

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