CAS: Do people laugh at you?

Started by Birdgun Quail, November 21, 2005, 08:10:20 AM

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R D Henry

My all time favorite is very similar to Arcey's.

Stopped to gas up on the way to the match, ran inside to get cokes and smokes, and was greeted by 3 teenage idiots. The bold one of the bunch says, "hey Tex. where'd ya leave your horse?"  I respond with, "he was having so much fun with your sister, I decided to leave him at home!"

Now, for some strange reason, this little moron took offense at that.   :P As he took a few steps forward, like he's gonna try something real unhealthy, the really sharp 6in genuiiiiine Bowie knife comes flying out of my high-top boot, yours-truly assumes combat stance, and boy wonder thinks twice about taking on someone 3 times his age!   ;D 

Hell, even his 2 buddies were laughing at him...not to mention the cashier, and everyone else in the store.
I know I have the right to remain silent, I just don't have the ability.
SASS #27663...WartHog

litl rooster

Moved here from Montana 7 years ago, still wear Hat. Usually felt even in the summer. Western shirts Jeans, but wear Lace up boots and spurs daily..One of the first times I went to Co-Op A woman asked me where my boots were, I replied on my feet....She then tells me in Texas cowboys didn't wear boots like mine. I told her where I came from we didn't wear dancin' boots to werk in. She was highly insulted and was still getting stares as she drove off in her Mercedes.

Honestly laugh at my self when I wear Period clothing...Not use to it.
Mathew 5.9


Had a feller laugh at my outfit one time in Julian & I think he's still in the hospital!  8)

Dang!  It took four of us to pull Itty Bitty Storm off'n him!  ;) :D

El Deguello

In respect of God, Country & Flag.

Kid Cavalier

My Brother laughed at me once....

Maker of Fine Gunleather

Forty Rod

People like me are the reason people like you have the right to bitch about people like me.


Cowboy and people thinking your a bit odd is nothing compared to dressing in superhero costumes.
However, for the few laughs and odd looks the fans that want pictures and the smiles on the children at hospitals more then makes up for it.


Cowboy on the Rocken H Ranch

Take care of your gun and it will take care of you.
My Cas City Profile:

Kid Cavalier

Forty Rod,

Naw, I still got siblings.  They just don't laugh at me anymore.  Instead they smile like you would at a kid dressed up for his first halloween.
Maker of Fine Gunleather

Micheal Fortune

You know Birdgun Quail, most of us dress somewhat close to what we wear on the range anyway, at least some sort of Western flavor, the exception being the yuppies in their alligator shirts, short pants, etc.,  and real cowboys, they wear ball caps and tennis shoes, for the most part.

Nobody laughs at me, at least not to my face that I have noticed and I don't have the time or energy to deal with small people anyway.

I do have a yuppie friend who is about 15 years younger than me.  We have been friends for a few years, hunt and shoot together all the time.

I got in to CAS and took him and his wife out with me and my wife to the CAS range to do a little practicing.  I figure as long as I'm practicing I'm dressing up too, not to much from how I normally dress but they were both visibly embarrassed to be seen with me.

We went out to the range, did a bunch of shooting, had a good time, I stopped by fancy place on the way home and bought them all lunch.

My yuppie friend and his wife weren't too happy about stopping, but hey a free lunch.  No one in the restaurant even batted a eye, that goes for when I'm stopping to get fuel going to or from a match, no one seems to notice.

That was the last trip for my yuppie friend.  We still hunt and shoot together but there isn't any CAS in his future.
Saloon Keeper, Gambler, Shootist
Sun River Rangers Shooting Society / SASS 60159 / R.O.-1 / SBSS 1685 / G.O.F.W.G. 89 / RATS 58 / KGC 4 /

Forty Rod

I went to breakfast this a.m. with an old friend and former business associate.  As usual he was late so Ii was standing in front of the restaurant wearing my fringed leather coat with some beadwork on the yokes, boots, and Levis.

A young lady got out of her car and told me the coat was very nice, and added that some boys were laughing at me behind my back.

I turned and there were three guys about twenty maybe twenty feet away.  One was really laughing hard and looking right at me.

I looked at him and saw a backwards olive colored cloth driving cap; a purple, yellow, and green long sleeved polo shirt; baggy dark blue gang banger pants with the crotch at knee level and the cuffs just below the knees; and blue and white high topped Micky Mouse shoes with lights in the sides.  What hair I could see was yellow...I mean YELLOW...and spiky.

I laughed back...hard.

The kids looked really ticked off for a couple of seconds, then looked down at himself.  He looked back at me with a big grin, sprread his arms wide with his plams up, and bowed from the waist.  I grinned back and saluted.   His friends laughed.  The pretty girl laughed.  Two old timers sitting on a bench outside the door laughed.

My friend pulled up at that time and asked me what was going on.  I told him and he said "What do you expect.  Why are you wearing that frilly girly coat anyway?"  I told him it was for an experiment.

"What kind of experiment?"

"I want to see what kind of story you come up with to explain a 63 old guy in a frilly girly coat kicking your ass."

He paid for breakfast.
People like me are the reason people like you have the right to bitch about people like me.

Coop Trawlaine

Sounds like the laughing Spikey haired kid had a lot more class than your "Friend"    ;D
Coop Trawlaine SASS #63617, SCORRS, WartHog, SUDDS #188, IPSAC #47
Aka: Walt Lange
"Trawlaine" ISBN 1-4137-7738-4
"Trawlaine's Land" ISBN -09479379-0-8
Western Writers of America
Society of Southwestern Authors

Forty Rod

None of my friends have any class.  If they did they wouldn't hang out with the likes of me.

Hey, he bought breakfast.  I had biscuits, gray, bacon, eggs, and coffee.  He had crow and bitter vetch.

;D ::)
People like me are the reason people like you have the right to bitch about people like me.

Birdgun Quail

Forty Rod, thanks for a great story!! ;D  Now, one of my pet peeves...folks who are habitually late. >:(  Everyone due to unforeseen circumstances are occasionally late, but some do it habitually.  I consider it selfish and rude.  Habitual tardiness is rude behavior in a man.

:) I think frilly coats with fringe and beads are for girlie-men! ;)  (Notice I'm smiling when I say that... :) )
God bless,
Birdgun Quail

Slim Silver

I try to make it a point to stop somewhere on my way to or from a shoot.  Buy gas, have breakfast or whatever.  I like the looks and enjoy seeing the various reactions from people trying to look "without looking" to direct stares and snickers.  If addressed, I return with like tone.  If friendly inquisitive, I answer in a most hospitable way.  If confrontational, I stand strong with class and let them set the course of continued conversation.  Usually they decide to walk away or change their tone.  Most folks simply fear what they don't understand or know.  Let's face it, how often do you see an 1800s cowhand or Marshall come walking into your local business.  Had one fellow in a real challenging manner inquire, "Hey Marshal, where's your gun?"  I replied, "Very close son, you rekon I need one?"  He said "Uh, No Sir. I was just curious, see ya later." 

Forty Rod

Looks like we share a pet peave, BQ.  I'm usually early and feel terrible if I'm late regardless of the reason.

The guy I had breakfast is always a few minutes late, but my daughter has a friend who is never less than 45 minutes late, and usually a hour or more.  We were all going to supper together and after five minutes I left a note on the door for him to meet ua there.  He showed up as I was paying the bill.

And thanks for smiling when you said that.  I always feel bad when I have to shoot a friend.  ;D

Slim, I'm the same way.  If they're just having fun without any maliciousness, I'll play along, but I'm ready to go any way they want.  I'd hate for someone to come looking for trouble and be rude enough to send them away without any.  ;)
People like me are the reason people like you have the right to bitch about people like me.


I don't wear nuthin' else but period clothes.  Do't have much problems, once in a while some one looks a me funny and I give them the look, no more problem.

Fact is many tell me they are jelous cause they ain't brave enough to wear them.  As many times as I've been tolt that it means there are a lot of gutless folks in the world.

On nice advantage to it, I get good service most anywhere I go and folks don't cut me off in traffic in the daylight.
Mongrel Historian

Always get the water for the coffee upstream from the herd.

Ab Ovo Usque ad Mala

The time has passed so quick, the years all run together now.


do people laugh? who cares?i wear mine all the time. in fact, there all i have. every thing else wore out or got tossed. i get a few "looks" but hell i'm comfortable. even had one pretty lady tellme she liked my derby.
Not a pimp, not a pistol fighter,not a coca-cola soak,just an old man trying desperatly to get older.

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