.40 cal flint lock loads?

Started by will52100, November 20, 2015, 11:36:40 PM

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QuoteThe suggestion on using a wood "flint" is a good one and one I need to do if I want to improve my consistency.
That's how I learned follow through and stayed sharp competitively during the winter.
Known to run with scissors from time to time
Citadel of Sin Social Club

James Blue Lightnin

My .40 flintlock rifle shoots really nice with 65 grains of 3F under a .395 round ball, with a 10 thous's patch lube with what ever lube I'm using. I have a couple, including real bears oil and all lubes perform equally well.   I have tried reduced loads in my .40 flint and it didn't shot as well as the normal .65 grain load.
James Blue Lightnin'


Thanks, I'll give it a try when I get time to take it out again.
Buzzards gotta eat, same as worms

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