What is this snap called?

Started by Oregon Bill, January 03, 2016, 01:21:25 PM

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Oregon Bill

Guys, I've been going nuts Googling this WWII-era web and leather closure hardware. What is it called and where can I buy a fe3\w? Many thanks in advance.

Professor Marvel

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Oregon Bill

Professor Marvel

happy to help, it is nice to have something useful to do whilst down with the latest virus
prof marvel
Your Humble Servant

praeceptor miraculum

~~~~~Professor Algernon Horatio Ubiquitous Marvel The First~~~~~~
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St. George

These are going to provide you with enormous entertainment as you attempt installation, so read up, and buy the tool.

Scouts Out!
"It Wasn't Cowboys and Ponies - It Was Horses and Men.
It Wasn't Schoolboys and Ladies - It Was Cowtowns and Sin..."

Oregon Bill

St. George: appreciate the warning. Saw a Youtube on doing this without the tool, which admittedly would make this much easier. Just can't see buying the tool(s) for one or two installations as I attempt my own version of El Paso's Tanker.

St. George

Then what I would do is cast about to see if perhaps you couldn't borrow one from someone - or just do all of the normal work and then take it to a 'good' shoe repairman and have him do the snap installation with his tool.

Canvas repair folks have these as well - anyone making awnings and covers for trucks do, too.

Scouts Out!

"It Wasn't Cowboys and Ponies - It Was Horses and Men.
It Wasn't Schoolboys and Ladies - It Was Cowtowns and Sin..."

Oregon Bill

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