Walker Conersions in the Movies

Started by Long Johns Wolf, September 10, 2015, 04:49:23 AM

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Blackpowder Burn

I know I'm the least knowledgeable one in this discussion, but I'm scratching my head over the photo Major 2 attached to his first post in this topic.  The plaque labels it as a Walker, but the darn thing sure looks like a Dragoon.  I never saw a Walker with a loading lever latch on the front of the loading lever.......looks just like my 3rd model Dragoon.  ???
Learned Brother at Armes


BP Burn,

There were some Walker revolvers that were modified to the Dragoon style latching system.
This system was considered to be a better method of supporting the loading leaver than the Walker's had.
My best,
A Time for Prayer.
"In times of war and not before,
God and the soldier we adore.
But in times of peace and all things right,
God is forgotten and the soldier slighted"
by Rudyard Kipling.
Blair Taylor
Life-C 21

Major 2

Quote from: Blackpowder Burn on September 17, 2015, 04:29:55 PM
I know I'm the least knowledgeable one in this discussion, but I'm scratching my head over the photo Major 2 attached to his first post in this topic.  The plaque labels it as a Walker, but the darn thing sure looks like a Dragoon.  I never saw a Walker with a loading lever latch on the front of the loading lever.......looks just like my 3rd model Dragoon.  ???

That is the conversions with added lever catches ( probability done at the time of the conversion) to solve the annoying drop lever syndrome.

.... If you look at the C&B guns in the Lobby card photo ( these were the close up guns ) the lever is as you'd expect.

Paramount and Western Costume both were capable to mold and produce Rubber Guns of all styles )

I've had many Rubber Enfields , complete with rubber bayonets , A Rubber flint double barrel SXS ,
If you watch close in films you see the bayonets wiggle ( Glory & Gettysburg )
sometime bent at odd angles... In Alamo Travis used the SXS & Crockett use a Rubber Filint Long Rifle to swing at Attacking Mexicans.

In close hand to hand the Stunt men swat each other with the Rubber props ,
Reenactors however enjoyed popping the hell out one another with the Rubber guns.

Can't say Eastwood carried any ( perhaps in fall horse scene ) But I'm not surprised some were in the prop trailer.

when planets align...do the deal !

Blackpowder Burn

OK.  Not to be argumentative (well, maybe just a little  :)).  But take a look at the cylinder and the bolt notches.  The Walker is an oval cutout, and doesn't have the "lead-in" of the 3rd model dragoon.  I'm still confused - still looks like a 3rd model Dragoon to my poor dumb eyes.  See photo below.
Learned Brother at Armes

Major 2

Your argument is not with me.... You might want to address The National Rifle Association and The Gun Collection at Bass Pro
in Springfield Mo.
The Photo & caption is as is displayed ....

I'll also point out ...that is the Conversion(s) what improvements were probability done at the time of the conversion is conjecture.
Certainly the Grip Frame & Barrel Lug length are Walker ... It's a Hollyweird   :)

simply put , NRA states the gun in the collection is the Wales/ Matte Ross gun....
when planets align...do the deal !


Major 2,

Do you have any information on the Desperado movies that I referred to in my previous post?  Such as the Walker he used.
Reb Holister

Major 2

when planets align...do the deal !

Major 2

BP Burns

If you were confuse before...then I'll befuddle you some more.... :)

There are always several back ups to Principals porps & clothing on location ....
Breakage/damage , Continuity, Expedite reload or get back to 1 ( places, re set the same shot with loaded piece )
you may be surprised ,  another is  theft, cool Props have real tendency to vaporize  >:( ::)  
on location ...

Here is another of the several Josie Wales Walker conversion ... I trust this one will meet with your outlook  :)

Generally, when I was a Prop-master, I normally, was three deep in Principals props ( at lease )
Not always completely possible, but it's what I try for ...  

when planets align...do the deal !

Blackpowder Burn


Oh, I don't doubt that is the Hollyweird gun they claimed was a Walker in the movie.  As much as we all love John Wayne and others, historical accuracy of firearms was not on their radar.  I'm just trying to clarify what it actually is for personal curiosity.
Learned Brother at Armes


Whoever made the conversion made a new cylinder with rectangular notches and installed a 3rd model Dragoon bolt, most likely. I wouldn't think they converted a cap & ball cylinder, even for blanks, and the original oval notch would still show even if remachined to a rectangular shape.  

It is certainly a Walker barrel with a (3rd Model) Dragoon lever and latch attached.  If you look at a Dragoon, you can see that it has a Walker lever with a latch added to the end, the other Colt models all had cylindrical loading lever shafts, the Walker and Dragoon levers are tapered sort of bottle shaped.

Changing to a Dragoon lever is occasionally seen in some photographs, even originals, several shown in James E. Serven's book, Colt Firearms 1836-1958 (printed in 1958).
The man who beats his sword into a plowshare shall farm for the man who did not.

SASS 976, NRA Life
Los Vaqueros and Tombstone Ghost Riders, Tucson/Tombstone, AZ.
Alumnus of Hole in the Wall Gang, Piru, CA, Panorama Sportsman's Club, Sylmar, CA, Ojai Desperados, Ojai, CA, SWPL, Los Angeles, CA

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