Ruger Factory Service Question

Started by Hylander, March 25, 2005, 04:45:36 PM

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Well My brand new Vaquero needs work :(.
The cylinder was not cut correct, they chamfered the face of the throats
very sloppy work. Also the back of the Cylinder is very rough >:(.
Will be sending it to Ruger along with a letter from my Smith explaining the
problem and asking for them to install a new Cylinder.
How is their service and what kinda time frame
am I looking at getting this thing back.


I had two identical Vaquero's with similar problems.  I wrote then a letter explaining the problems and inclosed it in the package which I sent on March l6 about 2:30 PM by UPS.  I received the pistols back at 11.30 on March 26. via United Parcel.  I was pleased with their work.  When I sent them out, I followed their instructions of no cases, or other covers but I was left with a dilemma as mine are stainless steel and I take pride in all my equipment.  I borrowed 2 flour sack dishtowels (unused) from MISS SCARLETT and wrapped them in the towels before the bubble wrap.  As they were inexpensive, I thought they would put them in the trash but they didn't.  About 4 days later I received a package via UPS containing one dishtowel, no note, but it was assigned a number.  I received the guns back on Saturday and the following Monday, I received the other dishtowel back the same way.  I have never received a note, bill or any communication from them.  Normally I get a copy of a work order with notations of what was done and who did the work but this time, nothing, but the pistols work fine.  The repair cost was terrific
NOTHING except the $42.00 outbound shipping via UPS.

jonah hex

I sent a Ruger Security Six I had bought at a gunshow to the factory for rebluing.  The normal price to have this done is $50.  I sent the gun a letter and a check.

The factory contacted me and said that they detected a crack in the frame and replaced the Security Six with a Brand New GP-100.  The gun I sent them cost me 135.00  and they replaced it with a gun that retails (around here) for around 450.00.

I was very satisfied.

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