No Trailboss or Unique but HP=38

Started by Cinco Peso, February 08, 2015, 05:34:40 PM

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Cinco Peso

Hard time finding powder my only choice was HP-38. Loading my 45C got my manuals out, but wanted to hear who's loaded with HP-38 recommendations?


Howdy, Cinco,,sure is quite around here tonight,, . Now I'm not real sure but I think ,,,HP38 & ww231 are the same ,,I use ww231 in both my 44/40 and my 38spl 72 OT,,cowboy loads ,not heavy hunting loads. "HEY", it's ( ww231) what I coud get.                     

I'm use'n 6.2 the 44/40 ( I'm address'n the usual disclaimer's here).


Sagebrush Burns

Assuming HP-38 actually is essentially identical to W-231, it is a fine powder for standard level 45 Colt loading.  For many years now I have shot 7.0 of W-231 behind a 260 grain cast RNFP with excellent results.  Velocity is 850 fps (chronographed, not guessed) out of a 7 1/2" Colt SAA and accuracy is as good as anything else I shoot.

Cinco Peso

Bunk Stagnerg

I am using HP38 to fire form .44-40 to .45 Colt to reduce blow back in my 1869 Henry.

My charge is half way between minimum and maximum according to the Lee loading manual with a 200 grain RNFP cast boolet.
This combo seems to work OK and blow back, even when forming, is negligible. The cases  fill out with out splitting and feed perfectly when the cases are reloaded.
The reason I am using HP38 is because I have a good supply of it and it meters very nicely.

Respectfully submitted

Cinco Peso

Bunk Stagnerg

For fire forming .44-50 cases to .45 Colt I have been using both Alliant  Unique and HP38 saving my supply of Trail Boss. The amounts are from the loading manual (look them up).

Both do a proper job of forming the cases, but the HP38 seems to leave a little softer, and easily removed. fouling in the barrel.
Since I am just "rolling cans" with these loads I don't have a comment on accuracy, but they seem to be good enough for CAS shooting.

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