Surviving the winter with out the smell of spent dowder

Started by Guage Rod, October 31, 2005, 09:20:34 AM

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Guage Rod

With the Onset of winter I just kind of wondered how everyone survives with out the smell of spent powder.  I plan on learning how make and engrave a couple of holsters for next year, load up all my mt's and do a few wood butcher projects (make a playhouse, fort, for my Grandson).  I have been toying with the idea to make a prop or two for the range at Akley if they are in need.  I was thinking about a stage coach or a store front.  I have a bunch of re-cycled lumber and plywood. 

I would be interested to hear what everyone else does to survive, the winter and stay current with the Hobby. 

Lets here from some of the others out there on the Wire.  What do you all do to keep the feeling alive.

Vaya con Dios

Guage Rod

I guess I need to Prof read my header next time sorry about that.  Spent Powder is what I ment to send, Hope everyone can forgive the blunder. 

Steel Horse Bailey

Our club shoots all winter.  Having said that, I remember one Jan or Feb shoot where 3 of us showed up and the only shootin' we did was "the bull."  I do recall that we loosed a couple cylinders full on general principles, but mostly we huddled around the campfire and drank lots'o'coffee ....
"May Your Powder always be Dry and Black; Your Smoke always White; and Your Flames Always Light the Way to Eternal Shooting Fulfillment !"

Wymore Wrangler

I'll just go hunting and still smell the powder, unless I'm carrying my bow... ;D
Fast horses for sale, Discount for newly minted gold coins, no questions asked....

Major Matt Lewis

I am picking up my Dillon 650 next weekend.  I have somewhere around 8000 rounds to reload.  Lou Graham got my wife excited about shooting this past weekend (Thank you Lou) so there will be some additional purchases this winter.  Also, Winter means the Gunsmith.  I have a couple of Colts that need new Firing Pin Retaining pins. 

Not to mention, Land Run is only 5 Months away so there will be lots of practice.....
Major Matt Lewis
Grand Army of the Frontier * SASS Life * NCOWS * Powder Creek Cowboys * Free State Ranges * RO II * NRA Life * Man on the Edge

Guage Rod

Major Matt, Thanks, that reminds me, of a couple of other off season related Items to take care of:  Getting friendly with the internal workings of my 94 marlin Carby for a good cleaning and familiarization of clearing the dreaded Marlin jam (If and when they occur) and Getting the Stock off of My Winny 97 pump SG and getting rid of the excess saturated oil out of the wood.  I read that there are two good ways to remove the oil from the wood.  The best of the two should not be too terrible, it involves use of household bleach and a soaking of the stock.  Removing of the white, film with 220 Grit and using a good Danish oil to seal her back.  I want to do this cause I have seen a few stocks ruined by oil, it weakens the wood and splits out with Magnum loads, I do plan on taking the 97 on a deer hunting forray and do not want to bust her up.

I am kind of looking forward to the Banquet in November and the Convention in Feb.  I might do like some of the others and get into a few good research books.  They just opened a good used and surplus book store in Cedar Rapids and I plan on doing some purdent shopping for a couple of picture books that can be used as research/information on the old west.       

French Jack

"Dowder"?????   We always called them "Road Apples"........  Can't say that I'll miss the smell of them!!!!   However, nothing like the aroma of Black Powder when you're shooting.  Makes it seem real, somehow.  Smelled my share of Cordite and smokeless as well, but they don't compare.:D
French Jack


  Guage Rod
  Don't want you to make a trip to KC expecting a banquet. This is a Congress meeting for the purpose of cussing and discussiong NCOWS business. You are more than welcome to come if a member, but a banquet , it isn't. The closest thing is the meal at the Golden Ox sat eve. In period correct attire of course!  jt
  P.S. let Grizzle Bear know if you'll be attending the Ox dinner.
Aggressive fighting for the Right is the noblest sport the world affords. T. Roosevelt
NRA Patron/Life Member
  NCOWS #851, Senator
Proud Member of the KVC
Hiram's Rangers, founder
GAF # 328
  TAPS #26

LazyK Pejay

We have a new outdoor range in a canyon north of Amarillo, so we can shoot year round. I can't wait 'till after Christams to go hog hunting. The leaves are gone from trees and brush and if you can't see hogs all day you need glasses ;-)

LazyK Pejay


Trap---I think Gauge Rod means the CVR banquet-business meeting they're having the same weekend as the Congress meeting. Of course, I could be 100% wrong on this, but that's my guess.

NCOWS 1437-Territorial Representative  -Great Lakes Freight and Mining Co.- NCOWS Representative and Delegate to the Executive Board
SASS 5847 Life
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