
Started by cowboyjared, September 10, 2014, 07:20:14 PM

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I have looking to get some spurs that A. look as if they were from the 1870s or 80s B. Do not cost an arm and a leg, and C. Are actually usable on a horse. Any advice where to look.

Shawnee McGrutt

Got a set of spurs from Tractor Supply Co., the price was about $25.  Don't know if they are horse friendly, or have a true 1880's look.
I really wanted a pair of Lindholm Brothers ( sorry if I misspelled their name) but they went out of business due to health reasons.  I have also looked at sites that sell antique spurs, but the prices would mean one less gun purchase.
If you find a good place to buy some good looking spurs, let me know.
National Congress of Old West Shootists 3633
Single Action Shooting Society 88462
Society of Remington Revolver Shooters
The Sublyme and Holy Order of the Soot
"I wish I had an answer to that because I'm tired of answering that question." - Yogi Berra


I picked up a set off of the SASS wire a few months ago.  They show up there every few weeks, keep an eye out for them.


Not sure what an arm and a leg go for these days but Jeremiah Watt has some very nice Old Time Spurs - I've had abunch of these in hand over the years and they hold up very well if you're riding a lot and look good as well.....
aka Nolan Sackett
Frontier Knifemaker & Leathersmith


Quote from: ChuckBurrows on September 24, 2014, 09:48:37 AM
Not sure what an arm and a leg go for these days but Jeremiah Watt has some very nice Old Time Spurs - I've had abunch of these in hand over the years and they hold up very well if you're riding a lot and look good as well.....

Not sure about an arm and a leg either, maybe those are just worth an arm (if you gave a leg for them how would you wear the spurs?  :D ) - but man, those really look nice!  I'm bookmarking that page, thanks.
Storm #21   NCOWS L-208   SASS 27489

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Sir Charles deMouton-Black

Is there a source for reproduction classic Mexican spurs?
NCOWS #1154, SCORRS, STORM, BROW, 1860 Henry, Dirty Rat 502, CHINOOK COUNTRY
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