Need a source...

Started by Forty Rod, July 18, 2014, 07:34:27 PM

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Forty Rod

... for Farmer Brothers coffee.  I just gave $18.00, including S&H for a 14 ounce can.

I can't find it in stores anyplace and the on-line cost is ridiculous.

I'm not much of a coffee person, maybe five cups a week, and this is the best I've found, but my stars and garters that's a lot of money.
People like me are the reason people like you have the right to bitch about people like me.

Ol Gabe

F.R., Kind Sir,
Since we have seen it and had it here in Eastern Iowa, I did a quick Google to see where it might be available for you. Used 'farmer brothers coffee' and the website came up listing Torrance, CA as the home base if I read it right. Anyway, check it out as they provide a search engine to locate the many products they carry.
Best regards and good brewing!
'Ol Gabe, who once got a whole case for his birthday from his loving younger sister, yummy!

Ol Gabe

F.R., Kind Sir,
Did you ever hook up with a source for the Farmer Brothers Coffee? Hate to see a Pard go without his cuppa morning Jo!
Best regards and good researching!
'Ol Gabe

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