Ma. Hunt Laws

Started by Shawnee McGrutt, March 23, 2014, 04:38:55 PM

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Shawnee McGrutt

Hunters of Massachusetts ;

I have a dumb question for you.  Rifles are legal for deer?  I see muzzle loaders and shotguns are legal.  This question is for my son-in-law, he was told pistol or shotgun only for regular season.  That don't make sense to me.  Second part , if rifles are legal, which I assume they are, what calibers are to be used.
Thanks,  keep your powder dry
National Congress of Old West Shootists 3633
Single Action Shooting Society 88462
Society of Remington Revolver Shooters
The Sublyme and Holy Order of the Soot
"I wish I had an answer to that because I'm tired of answering that question." - Yogi Berra

Shawnee McGrutt

I think I have them figured out; one can only use a shotgun ,bow or a front stuffer.  During shotgun you can also use a muzzle loader.  If I also read the laws correctly, even though they call it primitive firearms, one can use an inline muzzle loading gun.??   Am I right??  Also from what I read one can harvest two bucks off of one license, and as many does as you have permits for.  I hate to say it , but Massachusetts laws are not straight forwards as Maine law is.  You guys need a Harvard lawyer in your hunting pouch  :o. Seeing you can tag two bucks on a license I might have to go hunting with my son-in-law down there.  Now any good areas south of the Boston area to go hunting, I have seen a load of deer right behind their house in Weymouth, but don't think the neighbors or the law would find any humor in that.  In fact I saw more deer there then hunting on the 500 acres I access to, this season.  Some really good size bucks, must be all the good landscaping.
Thanks and keep your powder dry
National Congress of Old West Shootists 3633
Single Action Shooting Society 88462
Society of Remington Revolver Shooters
The Sublyme and Holy Order of the Soot
"I wish I had an answer to that because I'm tired of answering that question." - Yogi Berra

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