1860 Replica by H.R.A.? Any truth to this?

Started by Pancho Peacemaker, February 17, 2012, 09:35:27 AM

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Crow Choker

If nothing else, they 'sure have Purdy wood on em"!
Darksider-1911 Shooter-BOLD Chambers-RATS-SCORRS-STORM-1860 Henry(1866)-Colt Handgun Lover an' Fan-NRA-"RiverRat"-Conservative American Patriot and Former Keeper & Enforcer of the Law an' Proud of Being Both! >oo

Major 2

Interesting , thanks Kid ...my own review will be in the next NCOWS Shootist  ;)

when planets align...do the deal !


Quote from: Fox Creek Kid on December 21, 2013, 04:33:49 AM
New review with photos & video:


I hate it when they give guns to people to review who know nothing about them.  This guy is an idiot IMO.  I learned 3 things from his review:  The wood to metal fit is good.  The gun comes with a black cloth to keep the frame shiny.  The guy is very lucky he did not have a magazine detonation while loading.
Storm #21   NCOWS L-208   SASS 27489

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DARWIN :-\ ???  Plus one to Abilene.  Don't send guns to ignorant IDIOTS!!


PS:  Looks like a Henry.  Works like a Henry.  Loads like a Henry.  Magazine follower looks like a Uberti.  I want to see the innards up close and personal to see if it can be tuned with current after-market parts.

PSS:  It is nice to see a reproduction made in the USA. 


Forgot.  I want one chambered in .44 Spl.  With a cartridge stop I could shoot it with .44 Russian ammo.  Wheeeeeeeeeeeee ... Burp.



It is possible to shoot 44 Russian out of one in 44-40 if you do a simple modification to the carrier block & bolt.  Here is a link to an article I wrote years ago about making blanks for the 44-40 but the modification to the carrier block & bolt would work for 44 Russian too.  Just click on the link below.

Free Mason
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The 45 Schofield is close to the rimfire henry in actual bullet caliber and powder capacity.  The 45 Cowboy Special is also, being basically a 45 Auto Rim with a thinner rim.
The man who beats his sword into a plowshare shall farm for the man who did not.

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Major and Flint,
I currently have 4 Henry rifles.  Two have been converted to side load Henry Transitional's.  The other two are standard front load Henrys.  I modified the front load Henrys some years ago with just such a cartridge stop screw suggested by Major.  It works a treat.  Oh, all my rifles are .45s, and I currently shoot Cowboy 45 Special brass.  I started out cutting .45 Schofield brass to that length.  It almost perfectly duplicates the old .44 Henry flat load.  I can load 18 of 'em.
The two rifles I have converted to side load transitional use a custom Carrier Block with a spring loaded stop and a loading slot cut into the side.  The 24 inch rifle will hold 18 and the 16inch trapper will hold 12.  These guns are capitol FUN.
I also shoot a '66 rifle, 44 Spl, cut to 16 inch Trapper length, in which I shoot Russian cases.  A real close approximation of the .44 Henry Flat as well.
With All of the above, I partner either Cap Guns (.44s) or appropriately chambered Open Tops.  I really like partnering the .44 Open Tops as that was almost the exclusive chambering of the Open Top.
The short cartridges in ALL all of these guns are just superb.  About as close to what was as we can get.  I'm always saddened we cant get .44 Henry Flat ammunition so we could play with the originals.


Major 2

This past Saturday, I passed the 700th round through the Henry H011.
Aside from the one Round very early on with a failed primer, there have been no hiccups.
The Failed round was factory loaded and would not fire after three taps ( one of which in a Uberti Henry).

Mostly Factory Ammo, but about 200 rounds were reloaded BP  ( full case 2FF with 200 grain .430 pill )

The Factory loads have been Black Hills when I can get it, Ulrtamax and one box of Magtech.
all have fed just fine...
when planets align...do the deal !

Cliff Fendley

Major, have you checked the rate of twist on the barrel? Was curious what Henry decided to use and don't see it in their specifications.

NCOWS 3345  RATS 576 NRA Life member

Johnson County Rangers

Major 2

when planets align...do the deal !

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