Switch Hammers !

Started by Charlie Bowdre, December 17, 2013, 05:57:22 PM

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Charlie Bowdre

Hi Pards
I have a pair of El Patrons in 45 Colt. I have been shooting Duelist (SASS Style) and want to relieve a bit of the old Arthur Itis that is creeping into my hands. I see Taylors sell a hammer for their Running Irons SAA that they say is compatible with a lot of Ubertis.
Does anyone know if I could put them in my El P's?

Would really appreciate the help. It might improve my game to second from the bottom at each match to at least third from the bottom!
"I'm too old to go soldiering any more , too stiff in the joints to ride point and too dam fat to wrestle drunks Any day they don't pat you on the face with a shovel is a good one"

BOLD 887 
Bvt.Major  Chaplain  GAF  502 
STORM 271 
SASS 87747


Hi Dutchy,
Uberti parts are ....... Uberti parts.  Parts interchangeability in the Uberti line has vastly improved the last half dozen years.  However that does not guarantee a "drop in fit."  
The short answer is yes, that hammer will fit, possibly a little judicious rubbin n buffin required.
Go for it :-)


Uh, Switch Triggers???  Does not compute ........

Charlie Bowdre

Thanks for the reply and the gentle nudge to check my post! Not only am I full of Arthur Itis but looks like I'm blind as well. :-[
Again , Thanks
"I'm too old to go soldiering any more , too stiff in the joints to ride point and too dam fat to wrestle drunks Any day they don't pat you on the face with a shovel is a good one"

BOLD 887 
Bvt.Major  Chaplain  GAF  502 
STORM 271 
SASS 87747

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