Dragoon lever fix?

Started by Paladin UK, March 15, 2013, 02:41:59 PM

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Paladin UK

Ho Pards...
I am contemplating treatng meownself to a Dragoon...... ;D

After much research it seems the best is last! ie the 3rd model

Soooooo Is there a fix for the loading lever as it seems a tad week, I could re-engineer the end and fit a later catch but I would like to try and keep the original lever and catch assembly if at all possible

Paladin (What needs guidence  ;) ) UK
I Ride with the `Picketts Hill Marshals`..... A mean pistol packin bunch a No goods

The UK`s 1st Warthog!!... Soot Lord, and Profound believer in tha....`Holy Black` 
MASTER... The Sublyme & Holy Order of the Soot (SHOTS)
  BWSS#033  SCORRS  SBSS#836L  STORM#303

Real Cowboys Shoot with BLACK POWDER!!

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All I ever did was make the "shelf" on the lever retainer a little deeper. Never had a problem with the lever falling after that.


I can not say I ever had a problem with the Dragoon loading lever latch.
Walker latches, yes! I have had issues with them.
However, there are some late production Walkers, and even some re worked earlier Walkers that are adopted to the Dragoon style loading lever latches, that worked very well.

Some repro Dragoon revolvers may, however, be in need of help.
As MJN77 suggests... try deepening the loading leaver latch stud under the barrel to make a better connection.
A Time for Prayer.
"In times of war and not before,
God and the soldier we adore.
But in times of peace and all things right,
God is forgotten and the soldier slighted"
by Rudyard Kipling.
Blair Taylor
Life-C 21


To be clear, I have had three dragoons. Only one dropped the lever.

Paladin UK

NJM77 says..

QuoteTo be clear, I have had three dragoons. Only one dropped the lever.

OK!! ya got me attention................ which was the naughty one ::) :D

Paladin (What aint goin shoot`n CAS tomorrow `cos the range will be flooded :'( ) UK
I Ride with the `Picketts Hill Marshals`..... A mean pistol packin bunch a No goods

The UK`s 1st Warthog!!... Soot Lord, and Profound believer in tha....`Holy Black` 
MASTER... The Sublyme & Holy Order of the Soot (SHOTS)
  BWSS#033  SCORRS  SBSS#836L  STORM#303

Real Cowboys Shoot with BLACK POWDER!!

 Paladins Web Site

     Paladins Very Own Shotshell Loader This is an animaton so it takes a while fer the 1st page ta go..

Crow Choker

     The Dragoons with the vertical latch seem 'to be the naughty one's', ie the Whitneyville, 1st, and 2nd Models need some TLC. I have a Cimarron 2nd model (Uberti) that I had to deepen the slot, took two operations to rectify, easy to do. There are several posts (check the search function) that I and several others have posted info and results on doing this. In regards to the 3rd Model Dragoon, from what I've read by such authors as Servin, Haven, Wilson, and Adler, the original 3rds can be found with either the vertical or the horizontal. The horizontal is known as the 'Navy' latch. This type can be found on such guns as the '51 Navy and '60 Army. I've seen pictures of original 3rd Dragoons with both. I've never had a problem with the 'Navy' style dropping, but my guns with this style aren't loaded with the volume of black powder I'm shooting in the Dragoon. I have a 3rd Model Colt Signature Model that has the vertical, but it's NIB, unfired.
    I did some quick research on the Dragoons (repo's). The picture Cimarron show's of it's Uberti 3rd Model has a vertical latch. Taylors on the other hand, shows it's Uberti 3rd Model having a horizontal latch. Uberti's own website shows the 3rd having a vertical latch, as does Cabela's Uberti 3rd Model Dragoon. As far as I know, Pietta doesn't make a Dragoon Model. If you want the 3rd Model with a horizontal latch (which would have less problem with dropping the loading lever), I'd check with Taylors and see if in fact their 3rd Model has the horizontal as shown in their website. Of course, I'm not sure what sellers you have in your 'part of the woods'!
     I went with the 2nd Model when I bought my first Dragoon due to the fact I liked the square back trigger guard better than the round of the 3rd and rectangular bolt stops over the prior models. I bought the 3rd Signature Model at a gun show, sort of a 'impulse' purchase. In regards to the oval vs rectangular bolt stops, 'Mako' (where is he?) had a good post some time back giving good 'eye opening' info on the oval bolt cuts, explaining how they were stronger and giving a tighter lockup than they are 'given to'. Also, all of the Uberti Dragoons have the later model hammer leaf spring vs the V-spring Walker style found on the early original Dragoons. The only difference between the 2nd and 3rd now is the shape of the triggger guard. Before 'fixing' my 2nd Model, any powder charge over 35 grains would cause the lever to drop at times when firing. Since giving it it's second operation, I've had no problems, loading up to 45 grains, but my normal chage is 40 grains. My Dragoon is my favorite c&b, if I was only allowed one, it's the one I'd choose!
Darksider-1911 Shooter-BOLD Chambers-RATS-SCORRS-STORM-1860 Henry(1866)-Colt Handgun Lover an' Fan-NRA-"RiverRat"-Conservative American Patriot and Former Keeper & Enforcer of the Law an' Proud of Being Both! >oo

Paladin UK

Ho CC...........

Thanks pard, some really nice help-info there for me ta ponder over  ;D

I love my 1860 Armies(My main match gunz) and I just feel I need a little more...... well you know what I`m gettin at pard  ;D

Paladin (What luvs the roar of a 44  :D ) UK
I Ride with the `Picketts Hill Marshals`..... A mean pistol packin bunch a No goods

The UK`s 1st Warthog!!... Soot Lord, and Profound believer in tha....`Holy Black` 
MASTER... The Sublyme & Holy Order of the Soot (SHOTS)
  BWSS#033  SCORRS  SBSS#836L  STORM#303

Real Cowboys Shoot with BLACK POWDER!!

 Paladins Web Site

     Paladins Very Own Shotshell Loader This is an animaton so it takes a while fer the 1st page ta go..

Paladin UK

Looks like I`m in luck!!

The Uberti 3rd Mod. as sold by our main UK importer HAS the later lever catch!!

Now I gotta start savin me pennies

Paladin (What lurvs his opentops ;D ) UK
I Ride with the `Picketts Hill Marshals`..... A mean pistol packin bunch a No goods

The UK`s 1st Warthog!!... Soot Lord, and Profound believer in tha....`Holy Black` 
MASTER... The Sublyme & Holy Order of the Soot (SHOTS)
  BWSS#033  SCORRS  SBSS#836L  STORM#303

Real Cowboys Shoot with BLACK POWDER!!

 Paladins Web Site

     Paladins Very Own Shotshell Loader This is an animaton so it takes a while fer the 1st page ta go..


Nice looking shootin iron :) My first gun was a Colt Blackpowder 3rd Gen Walker quickly followed by a 3rd Model Dragoon. The lever only fell on loads above 40 grs. Should be an easy fix for the lever problem if you're going to shoot heavy loads. I would imagine a stronger catch spring can be fitted to stop it detaching under recoil. That would be the least invasive (and reversable) modification to make. Probably don't want to shoot too many super charged loads in it anyway. The colt style barrel to frame setup is not the strongest design ever and the area around the cross wedge and the wedge itself will take a real beating. I've seen one from a guy who shot a few 100 full powered rounds and the wedge needed a strip soldered onto it and refitting as it got hammered. 28-35 grains of 3Fg should work well and let the gun live a little longer.


Crow Choker

Yo Paladin: If your importer has the horizontal latch system on their Dragoons, ya are miles ahead of the game as far as lever droppin. I've never heard of any of those droppin on Dragoons. I recall a post once on STORM where one of the posters advised he found by putting a stronger spring inside the lever latch helped also on the vertical latches. I use .454 balls in mine and they cut a nice ring of lead when stuffin them in. When ya get yer Dragoon your gonna love it. Fine shootin hogleg. Could work fine to for 'wackin surley bartenders' if needed!!!!(ie Gus in Lonesome Dove) ;D ;D ;D
(Courious-what's the UK price on a Uberti Dragoon? What kind of paperwork, if any, do you have to go through in order to buy and posess a cap and ball revolver in the UK? How about Black powder, whats the average price per pound and how is the availability and are there alot of restrictions? How is your percussion cap availability and average cost?) Yers, Crow Choker
Darksider-1911 Shooter-BOLD Chambers-RATS-SCORRS-STORM-1860 Henry(1866)-Colt Handgun Lover an' Fan-NRA-"RiverRat"-Conservative American Patriot and Former Keeper & Enforcer of the Law an' Proud of Being Both! >oo

Paladin UK

Hooorah CC

Iffn you really REALLY wants ta know all you`ll havta wait `till the morrow My `puter time`  is just about up now...  (Annie `O`s a callin  ;) ) and so I will answer ya t`morrow

Paladin (What thinks Ole CC is gonna be a tad surprised :o ) UK
I Ride with the `Picketts Hill Marshals`..... A mean pistol packin bunch a No goods

The UK`s 1st Warthog!!... Soot Lord, and Profound believer in tha....`Holy Black` 
MASTER... The Sublyme & Holy Order of the Soot (SHOTS)
  BWSS#033  SCORRS  SBSS#836L  STORM#303

Real Cowboys Shoot with BLACK POWDER!!

 Paladins Web Site

     Paladins Very Own Shotshell Loader This is an animaton so it takes a while fer the 1st page ta go..


To get a gun license in the UK?

Well, when I was a resident there in the 90's you had to have a recent personal reference from both great grandparents, be a member of a club for at least 50 years, endure a body cavity search and write personally to Her Majesty for royal consent for a peasants license to own a "firelock"..... ;)

Kidding aside, club membership is required and a pretty clean criminal record, plus an interview with the local bobby and a reference from 2 aquaintences who are proffesionals (lawer,judge,doctor ect....no plumbers :o) and then a reference from your doctor that you have no history of "serious" mental illness (although what is defined as "serious" is very open to interpretation) or personality disorders. So, in short, very intrusive and as the Cumbria shootings of 2010 showed......not at all effective. Thats why I moved abroad. I jumped off the sinking ship know as the UK before it went down with all hands.


Paladin UK

 Fer CC.

cal44walker has hijacked part of my answer... ;D

Hungerford `n all...

So, adding to that....

..................... Since the 90`s a whole lot more draconian measures have been added to the mix more-so because of Dunblane which led to the removal of ALL CENTRE FIRE AND RIMFIRE HANDGUNS. from UK shooters.
Over a period of a year all handguns were handed in to the police for which we were given market value... It was one of the saddest days of my life seeing my prized possessions being taken from me in a shabby charge room I actually felt sick, what really hurt was handing over my Broomhandle Mauser I had saved hard and looked around for years to find the right one.
Also... an added tightening up on a shed-load of other totally impractical nonsensical measures to keep law abiding UK shooters hog-tied enough to make it soooo hard ta get an FAC that 50% would give up at the thought of taking up shooting a firearm....
What are we left with....
1. Muzzle loading pistols\rifles
2. Full bore Rifles in Bolt action and Lever only..  NO Semi Auto or Pump Acton
3. Gallery (Pistol Calibre) Rifle/LBP
4. .22 Rifle rimfire Semi-auto, bolt, pump and lever action.
5. .22 LBP semi-auto

For those who do wanna Sec.1 FAC..

1. Find a club (Not easy now 60% of shooting clubs were pistol oriented )

2. Apply for membership this will involve approx  6 months of supervised attendances after which time you apply and hopefully are granted membership.

3. You can now apply for your FAC, this will involve a letter from your GP and also from 2 professional people, a home visit to check out how you will be storing these weapons of mass destruction and making sure that they are kept in a Police approved cabinet, out of sight.

4. Bear in mind that in the UK... Rifled matchlock pistols and rifles are considered Sec.1, (And all the security of same applies)

5. If you want more than 10 Firearms/shotguns you will now need a monitored alarm direct to the Police (At your own cost).

OK lets go shooting...

6. You will have to shoot EACH ONE of your firearms at least 3 times a year to warrant continued use, each time you attend your club you will fill in a form ticking the boxes of the firearms you have shot and this has to be verified by another club member at the range.

7. OK you want to buy another BP pistol... You either pay £30 plus for a variation, now because you are INCREASING your Arsenal  you will need another visit to make sure you have the facility, if however you want a one or change, once you have sold one you then apply for another if it's the same calibre it's not too bad.. the variation can take min 2 weeks max 8 months (Depending on your constabulary) if however you want to change a .44 for a .36 this involves a variation form which needs to be filled in and sent off to be approved this can take about 3months and will normally involve another visit from the Police.

I think I have covered it about right!!  but if there are any other Brits using the forum who want to add bits that I might have missed out please feel free to do so

Well CC ya did ask pard!! ;D

Paladin (What luvs ta play cowboy  :D ) UK

I Ride with the `Picketts Hill Marshals`..... A mean pistol packin bunch a No goods

The UK`s 1st Warthog!!... Soot Lord, and Profound believer in tha....`Holy Black` 
MASTER... The Sublyme & Holy Order of the Soot (SHOTS)
  BWSS#033  SCORRS  SBSS#836L  STORM#303

Real Cowboys Shoot with BLACK POWDER!!

 Paladins Web Site

     Paladins Very Own Shotshell Loader This is an animaton so it takes a while fer the 1st page ta go..


Holy Bejuzus. I left in 1999 and did'nt think it could get that much worse. Aparently it did.  Used to be a member at the Watford smallbore rifle club outside London and then moved to Scandinavia.....and promptly bought lots of handguns  ;). I can totally understand your frustration over there Pal and unfortunalty the UK is a totally lost cause. I feel lucky enough that I can and will travel and live around the world to the places where the (inneffective) gun laws are not absoloutly insane like the UK. I feel I'm better off becoming a gun rights supporter in a gun friendly country than to try to fight a losing battle on a nutjob island where it rains all the time. My entire family has now moved out of the UK due to its general decline in pretty much all areas.


Crow Choker

Yo Paladin-Thanks for the reply and info. Guess I feel blessed to not have all your restrictions and BS to go through to enjoy my hobby, sport, and passion. I just bought a Walker and all I had to do was write a check and walk out the door. There are moronic idiots in the USA here that are trying to do what your govt did to you in the UK. Everyone I talk to say they willnot give up any guns, includin' me. To much blood sacrificed to give in to what some want to turn this country into. Sounds like to me you need to give "King George" the whatfor like we did back in 1776. My Dad spent five yrs of his life back in WW2 helping to save Europe for what you have to put up with-SAD! He left two brothers and a cousin in the fields of Europe too, all shot out of the skies in heavy bombers. Don't mean to hi-jack your original post. Thanks for the info, you too cal44 walker. How is the black powder/percussion cap availability, restrictions, and prices for ya? I need to punch out, using a motel putor' as working on the road(heavy equipment-dirt diggin)! Crow Choker
Darksider-1911 Shooter-BOLD Chambers-RATS-SCORRS-STORM-1860 Henry(1866)-Colt Handgun Lover an' Fan-NRA-"RiverRat"-Conservative American Patriot and Former Keeper & Enforcer of the Law an' Proud of Being Both! >oo

Paladin UK

Fer CC and C44W

Only too glad to let my Pards in the free world out!! ;)
Iffn I was a younger man (I`m 63 now  :o) Annie `O` n me would be on your side of the pond in a flash!! :)
I will start a new thread for ya`ll on what happens here regarding BP in the Darksiders Den ;D

Paladin (What fought Tooth `n Nail ta keep his beloved handgunz  :'(  >:( ) UK
I Ride with the `Picketts Hill Marshals`..... A mean pistol packin bunch a No goods

The UK`s 1st Warthog!!... Soot Lord, and Profound believer in tha....`Holy Black` 
MASTER... The Sublyme & Holy Order of the Soot (SHOTS)
  BWSS#033  SCORRS  SBSS#836L  STORM#303

Real Cowboys Shoot with BLACK POWDER!!

 Paladins Web Site

     Paladins Very Own Shotshell Loader This is an animaton so it takes a while fer the 1st page ta go..


Well Paladin, I would say at 63 I'd be looking ASAP at moving to enjoy the rest of my days in a free society, not the nanny state that the UK has devolved into. I started living by a mantra a while back that goes " I would rather regret the things I did that the things I did not" My parents just moved to California in thier mid 60's to finish thier working lives and retire there. If you hobbies are what you live for, then you're in the wrong place.  :-[ I'm sure your wife would never want to come back if she got the chance to try living in North America.  :)



Hey PUK!!!!

How the heck are ya????  Just think, after you get a couple a quid set aside for your Dragoon(s), then you gotta make new cylinders for 'em.

Fun never ends!!!!

Coffinmaker (What just ordered 2 Pietta .44 (never existed) Navys.  <}:-)

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