Need engraving advice

Started by Bugscuffle, December 28, 2012, 04:48:59 PM

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Hey Pards, I need a little help here. What I want to end up with is this gun:

with my alias (Bugscuffle) engraved/etched/or otherwise written out on the backstrap.
I have done a google search on gun engraving and have not actually learned anythingn useful. My questions are:
1. Is photoengraving and/or etching at all similar to cut engraving? How deep is it cut/etched into the metal? Is it as permanent as cut engraving?
2. How much does it cost, both etching and engraving?
3. How long does it take?
4. Do I need to refinish before or after the engraving/etching process?
5. Who is a good but ecomomical engraver/etcher? I want it to look nice, but it doen't have to come out like the Sistine Chapel ceiling.
I will no longer respond to the rants of the small minded that want to sling mud rather than discuss in an adult manner.

Major 2

Call Jim Downing @ 417 865 5953

He performs hand cut backstrap service at NCOWS Conventions to order.
his price is drop dead reasonable @ $55 for  SCROLL  your  name SCROLL
there are photos on his site
when planets the deal !


Thanks major. I have written to him. I must say that if he can/will do all of that for that price, he'll get all of my business.
I will no longer respond to the rants of the small minded that want to sling mud rather than discuss in an adult manner.

Major 2

That is his advertize price on the website.
I saw him working at the 2011 Convention
And I saw a display of his work at same ...
I'd say he is a true craftsman.
when planets the deal !


Wow..I just checked out his web site. He has some very pretty work indeed. I don't know the first thing about engraving...but its kinda one of those things that isn't too forgiving.
I mean you make a mistake and there might not be too much of a chance to blend it in or fix it. A fine piece or work can turn into a disaster with a hand slip.

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