How to "Short Stroke" a Winchester Lever Action

Started by rbertalotto, November 29, 2012, 12:32:55 PM

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I just wrote a whole article with tons of pictures on my web site on Short Stoking a Winchester Lever action rifle.

Read it here:

I hope you enjoy it. Comments ALWAYS welcomed.

Roy B
South of Boston
SASS #93544

PJ Hardtack


Ya done good, mate! Good pics and even gooder destructions on how to do the job; 'specially the bit about screwdrivers. I've been inspired to take apart my '66 in 44-40 for an overdue thorough cleaning after a season of BP use. However, I don't think I'll be buying a short stroke kit any time soon. I like my guns as they was.

Just one question - why dintya post this on the gunsmithing forum .... ?
"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.
I don't do these things to others and I require the same from them."  John Wayne


Thanks PJ!

Gunsmithing forum............I didn't think this qualified. It really a pretty simple modification. No Gunsmith required!
Roy B
South of Boston
SASS #93544

Sir Charles deMouton-Black

Like PJ, I am not into short stroke kits, but I was interested in the project to convert a ROSSI '92 into a takedown.  I remember that article in THE RIFLEMAN.  I believe that the techs at the NRA converted a Marlin '94 to takedown in .45ACP!
NCOWS #1154, SCORRS, STORM, BROW, 1860 Henry, Dirty Rat 502, CHINOOK COUNTRY
Those who are no longer ignorant of History may relive it,
without the Blood, Sweat, and Tears.
With apologies to George Santayana & W. S. Churchill

"As Mark Twain once put it, "History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme."


Hi Sir Charles,

I carried that article about doing a lever action takedown with me for years! Finally I just decided to do it. One of the most fun projects I ever undertook. And as you can see on my web site, I undertake a few projects here and there...  ;)

Roy B
South of Boston
SASS #93544

GunClick Rick

What i need is someone that know how to shortin the stock on my 92,i have short arms,short stroking would help i suppose,but i can barely get to the trigger.What is a comfortable distance from arm to trigger?
Bunch a ole scudders!


Cutting the stock to decrease the "Length Of Pull" is an easy job for a gunsmith. This will solve your "Tyrannosaurus" arms situation.... ;D

As far as I know, there is no way to short stroke a model 92. Completely different mechanism from the 1860, 1866 and 1873 Winchesters.

Someone else may prove me wrong on this, but I think I'm correct.
Roy B
South of Boston
SASS #93544

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