almost ready for Wild Bunch

Started by Mississippi Kid, November 13, 2012, 10:02:54 PM

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Mississippi Kid

I pick up my new Ruger 1911  on Friday (damn 3 day) John Barleycorn sending me my new 1873 Uberti, already have 2 1897's so now I will be able to blaze with the best soon!!! ;D
I have been drooling at the local matches watching the WB blazing thru 21 rounds with their 1911's. Now it's my turn! All I can hope for is to be able to hit the target  :o
I'll still be shooting cowboy, but now I'll be doubling the fun :P

Mississippi Kid


Welcome aboard !!!

What part of the country are you in???

Slowhand Bob

Shot my first 'real' Wild Bunch match last Thursday, a four stage side match at the SE Regional.  All I can say is, I had a ball, though I can promise you that no one was challenged by my shooting!  I had many brain freezes along the way, "What is it I am suposed to do now?" type stuff but that should improve with practice.  I currently have two of the pistols and three different toggle link rifles that would be legal but I still want to add a different rifle and add another 'Chicom ' 97 to the two shotguns I currently have.

I am thinking along the lines of either a Win '92 or a Marlin Cowboy for the rifle, with the '92 possibly preferred.  Of my two new (to me) shotguns I actually like the way the '97 feels much more than the Mod Twelve but a few have said this will change if I get the Mod Twelve smithed.

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