Happiness is....

Started by Abominable Bill, August 31, 2012, 06:40:05 PM

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Abominable Bill

A spankin brand new pair of Uberti Russians in .45  ;D
These are well made with a super high polish blue finish.
The actions are silky smooth and triggers are crisp and not all that bad for being box stock
They are very accurate, more so that I am.  :-[
At about 50 rounds each they did get gummy with my APP loads was hoping for more; but actually expected less going by the comments others have made about them over the years.
I found that hooking the middle finger around the triggerguard spur did assist in stablizing my duelist grip on them
Hammers are a bit of a reach, but not bad if you thumb them back down as you return to target after recoil
They can use some ivory looking grips. Those and new gunleather for them to come.
I know... this post needs pictures

Slowhand Bob

They are a natural with the Cowboy 45 Special brass and the reduced powder charge will also help slightly with your fouling problem.  The biggest downside with the reduced brass is the smaller rim which does let them get under the star, as does the Colt round, but they are not hard to clear since the extra room under there allows them to fall free.  I have an old pair of Uberti Schofields and love them bet have recently started wishing I could afford to have the barls bobbed to Wells Fargo length.

Abominable Bill

I have been wanting to try Cowboy Specials... I think these will give me the incentive to get 1000 rds of brass and try them out

St. George

I'd try a more period round - the .45 Schofield.

Scouts Out!
"It Wasn't Cowboys and Ponies - It Was Horses and Men.
It Wasn't Schoolboys and Ladies - It Was Cowtowns and Sin..."

pony express

I'd think that RUSSIANS should be in .44 RUSSIAN caliber.....but hey, if I had a pair, I'd not be ashamed to be seen in public with them! That being said, I'd agree with St George, and try some Schofields, the slightly bigger rim couldn't hurt.

Abominable Bill

With 4 other guns chambered in .45LC I couldn't see myself spending the money to get set up to load schofields
If my understanding of reloading the C45S rounds it correct, I can use what I have for equipment now
It would have been nice if Uberti had chambered them in either 44 Russian or 45 Schofield only, and kept the gas collar original.
But they didn't and I'm a .45 guy, happy to have them and will devise the best way for me to get through 6 stages with them.
I like the postings that Driftwood has out there of his revolver fitted with a removable gas ring, work done by Happy Trails.
Wish I could have something like that done to these
For now, they are dead on with my present load, I just have to get used to the sights


I  was catching a ride to a reenactment, and the person offering a ride had a Beatles CD on ...

Second song ... you guessed it:


Oh yes it is >>>

My moniker is my great grandfather's name. He served with the 2nd Florida Mounted Regiment in the Civil War. Afterward, he came home, packed his wife into a wagon, and was one of the first NorteAmericanos on the Frio River southwest of San Antonio ..... Kinda where present day Dilley is ...

"Courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyway." John Wayne
NCOWS #3403

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