RCBS Press Kaput?

Started by Grapeshot, August 29, 2012, 04:26:39 PM

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Had to send my RCBS Rock Chucker back to the factory for overhaul today.  After 38 years of reloading, I decided to try some bullet swaging.  I think I bent one of the pins in the toggle.  Well, it's under warrenty still, Life Time, and it has been around the block a few times over the last 38 years, following me around to where uncle Sam decided to send me.  Good thing I loaded up more ammo than I'll need for the season, both for practice and match going.

I'll have to beak out the hand press to load up ammo for playing around.  Pistol ammo is no real problem, but thaose .45-70's and .45-60's really give me a workout with that hand tool.
Listen!  Do you hear that?  The roar of Cannons and the screams of the dying.  Ahh!  Music to my ears.


Swaging is touch on a press. I use a Corbin press for such tasks.  The Rock Chucker is good, but the Corbin stuff is better.

What caliber, and do you have any idea how hard the lead alloy you were using was? 

I swage a lot of .429 bullets on the Corbin press, using an alloy around or slightly less hard than Lyman #2.


I was swaging .45 Jacketed bullets and the cores were cast from pure lead.  I sent the press to RCBS to take advantage of their Life Time Warrenty.

I agree that the Corbin is made for heavy duty swaging and I usually swage .454 bullets in my CSP2 for my SAA's and New Service.  Both Jacketed and lead, as well as changing the shape and properties of cast bullets.
Listen!  Do you hear that?  The roar of Cannons and the screams of the dying.  Ahh!  Music to my ears.


Life is full of lessons.

It would be hard for them to say you abused the press, considering what "RCBS" stands for.  ;)

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