got another pietta 1858

Started by pghrich, August 10, 2012, 01:29:49 PM

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Hello all, well actually i really bought a pietta 1851 brass in 44caliber right after i got my 1858 steel, it has without a dought the nicest trigger ever from the factory, but now i have a pietta 1858 buffalo brass coming [hopefully today], i currently load my steel  1858 with 25grains of 3f and a 357mag case full of cornmeal topped off with a .454 ball, hopefully this isnt to much for the buffalo, thanks for reading pghrich


I made my own "Buffalo" . . . got a barrel from VTI and put it on a brass framed '58 that I had . . . . . . .

. . . . . still have not got around to doing the partitions in the case, . .  :-[   Just too many projects going on . . . . .  :)   but that is a good thing . . . .  ;)
Beware the man with one gun, he probably knows how to use it.


Good morning all, well i completely disassembled my new buffalo, it was really rough around the edges and the trigger pull was about 6lbs or so, my polished everything up with a dremmel and some tooth paste [thats all i had on hand], put it back together and then the cylinder would spin in either direction?? So i compared it to my old steel one and discovered that the hand was not sticking out enough, i took it apart again and bent it a little now its fine and the trigger it a crisp 4lbs, pghrich


Hey pghrich,
I use 25 gr of FFF BP or 777 in my Brass Buffalo, usually just a felt wad over that then a 454 ball.  Fires like a dream.  have about 1000 rds through this one.   About 500 rds ago, I took my shoulder stock from my 1860 colt and opend it up a bit.  Bought a hammer screw from Taylors that is made for 58s to have a shoulder stock.  Haven't taken it off since.  This thing is a tack driver and matches my Henry Rifle in 44-40 in accuracy  (me shooting though)   I have a 2nd cylinder for it and it is a sweet little shooter


Hello all, i took mine out shooting today using the said above load 25g 3f goex 38special case of corn meal and now a .454 ball , it shoots better than many of my cartridge guns, 4inch group offhand at 25 meters well centered about 5 inches high, love it, pghrich

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