Gun Trivia In the Movies !!!

Started by Thumper, August 05, 2012, 04:11:14 PM

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I'm sittin' here watching The GodFather Part 2 for the gazillionth time and I notice for the 1st time, an open top Merwin Hulbert is featured in 3 scenes. Take your best guess and I'll tell you the answers later, good luck.


Take your best guess at what?  You already said its a Merwin & Hulbert.

Major 2

I think he means who used it..... Cuban Cop in The Godfather ?

Bruno Kirby in Pt. 2
when planets the deal !


Slowhand Bob

Lordy, I have not scene  ;D thet movie in a looong time but I will make a wild guess and hope I am remembering from the right part!  Could it have been the one thrown down the vent stack after killing Anthony Quinn?


Times up. 1st time is in the scene where the man doing the passion play (where we meet the "Black Hand" character in the theatre), threatens to shoot himself cause his mother died back in Italy. The second is when Clamenza throws a bag of guns through the window to Vito Corleone and he looks in the bag, (MH is the one on the top of the pile). And the last is when Clamenza gets ready to shoot a cop while they're stealing a rug.

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