CVA Walker Overindexing help!

Started by Chuckwagon Chad, May 05, 2012, 07:04:19 PM

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Chuckwagon Chad

I have a CVA Walker Colt. It has been a great CAS gun for the last year I have had it, but recently it has a serious problem of over travel on 2 cylinders. It seems if I cock it slowly it works, but if I am quick on the draw it is way off. I have searched the forums and found some info, but before I go and spend the money on a new cylinder I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on what else may need fixing.

Thanks Pards.
Chuckwagon Chad


before I bought a new cylinder I would replace the bolt spring first. Your spring might look good but could be weak or broken causing your bolt not to rise fast or rise at all
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Chuckwagon Chad

Thanks Theshoer,

It looks like the cylinder stop is moving up, and once the cylinder is actually locked into the proper place it doesn't want to move. I guess I should have stated that in the first post.

Could it be the spring is not moving the stop far enough to catch the cylinder when it moves, but still moves enough to lock it into place when it is stationary?


Why do you think the cylinder needs replacing?  Are the notches on those two chambers (I assume you meant "chambers" and not "cylinders") that over rotate worn?  Have you taken it completely apart and looked at the insides?  Could be as simple as a piece of cap down in the works.

Professor Marvel

Quote from: Chuckwagon Chad on May 05, 2012, 07:04:19 PM
I have a CVA Walker Colt.
It seems if I cock it slowly it works, but if I am quick on the draw it is way off.

Greetings my Good Chad -

If I am reading this correctly,
"slow cocking works fine always" 
"fast cocking causes occasional over-rotation"

If that is in fact correct, and there are no mechanical problems, then I suggest that you are experiencing the "known issue" which is
"That is how the Walker Works"

Remeber this:
- The Walker has no lead-in on the cyclinder notches
- The Walker has "oval" notches
- The Walker has a very large, long, heavy cylinder

thus it is more susceptible to "over-rotation" when trying to cock it quickly.

The shorter, lighter Dragoon cylinders incorportated rectangular notches with the "lead-in" and that helped considerably.

hope this helps

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Chuckwagon Chad

Wow, I guess I know why they call you Marvel. . I am Marvelled at your reply Professor. I have never heard of that issue before. It has worked fine since I got it a little over a year ago, but suddenly the issue appeared about a month ago, maybe I just got lucky, or my cocking skills have improved  ;)

I have taken the entire gun apart and cleaned it thoroughly, aside from a bit of wear on the notches there does not seem to be anything else I can find causing the issue. I may just have to learn to cock slowly.

Thanks for everyone's input.

Professor Marvel

Well, I am not *that* marvelous :-)  , just passing on a bit of what I learned  (some of which could be wrong!) ....

You may have weakened the bolt spring with age & use , or worn the bolt itself .
It is worth getting it looked at, wither by an expert i person or via the *real* experts here with detailed photos.

prof marvel
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Since the problem "suddenly appeared", I am also thinking the most likely culprit is the bolt spring.  This part is pretty inexpensive and is a good thing to have as a spare anyway, so I'd try a new spring first.  Or you might be able to bend the leg of the spring that bears on the bolt a bit to give it some more tension.  Good luck.

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