Uberti hammer safety

Started by Escopeta Jake, August 01, 2005, 09:42:40 PM

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Escopeta Jake

Just a quick question for everyone.
I would like to know if you can purchase an Umberti USA- Umberti SAA 1873 Catleman WITHOUT the hammer safety.
and is it a special model number?


LazyK Pejay

I don't think they make one. If you go to the Uberti site you can check. Uberti owns about 60% of Beretta, and the Beretta Stampeed is made by Uberti (same gun as the Cattleman), and has a safety slide.

LazyK Pejay


Try this link:


They sell replacement Uberti parts. If your model currently has the little moving block on the hammer, and you replace it without one, you might have to account for clearance, but i am not real sure.
Let me know how that works out, because I have one that I would like to do the same thing with.
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Buy a Cinarron. They come without the hammer safety
Ex-feedlot cowboy (ret)
Ex-cowboy (ret)
Ex-Sheriff's Sgt. (ret)
Ex-Chief of Police (ret)
BOLD 476


Pard, buy a Cimarron. They come without the hammer safety
Ex-feedlot cowboy (ret)
Ex-cowboy (ret)
Ex-Sheriff's Sgt. (ret)
Ex-Chief of Police (ret)
BOLD 476

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