Need some Open Top Help

Started by Sgt. John McAfferty, January 03, 2012, 02:41:23 PM

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Sgt. John McAfferty

Howdy All,

I have a 1872 Open Top in 45 Colt.  I shoot full BP loads.  Last shoot I couldn't hit a target with this gun to save my life.  When I checked I noted the cylinder was very loose and cylinder chambers travelled past the barrel about 1/8' before stopping.  I tightened the wedge and it helped some, but there is still a lot of movement in the cylinder with the hammer at full cock.  Do I need to check/replace a part?  I'm afraid if I tighten the wedge any more my cylinder/barrel gap will be too tight and cause a lot of fouling.

Thanks for your help,


You need to fix something if it is over rotating and firing out of battery.  Check the bolt/trigger springs and the hand spring first.  They are easy to tell if they are broken and easy to replace.  The next thing to check is the fit of the bolt in the cylinder notches.  When the hammer is at full cock the bolt should be all the way up and locked solidly in the cylinder notches.

Sgt. John McAfferty

Thank you sir!  I'll get it to my 'smith ASAP.


My prediction based on your description is that you will find a cracked bolt spring and the cracked leg will fall off as soon as you handle it.  Checking this (and replacing if needed) is really easy, might save you a trip to the 'smith.  The only tool you need is a screwdriver with a proper fitting blade or bit to fit the grip screws on the gun (and everyone should have one of those anyway  :) ).  Keep us informed as to the fix.
Storm #21   NCOWS L-208   SASS 27489

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Sgt. John McAfferty

Thanks Abilene,

I detail-stripped the pistol and found a large chunk of fouling and brass shavings under the bolt spring.  It was NOT cracked or broken.  I tore the thing down and cleaned it completely, lubed it with Ballistol ( I shoot BP) and put it back together.  When the hammer is fully cocked there is NO rotation of the cylinder! No forward or backward play either.  Apparently the insides needed a GOOD cleaning.  If I hadn't read your post, I would have spent $100 on a gunsmith because they'll charge that just to clean and lube and take beurrs off.  Guess I better start detail cleaning more often.  I'll shoot it next chance I get and see if I can hit something now.


That's good to hear, Sgt.  Enjoy the boom, flame, and smoke.  :)
Storm #21   NCOWS L-208   SASS 27489

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Trooper Bill

Here's a thought that might help you both with accuracy and the fouling that the heavier b/p loads cause in your open top. I shoot one also in .44 Colt cal and don't have much in the way of heavy fouling with that load until I've fired well over 20 rounds.
Most of the full load black powder .45 Colt ammo is about 37gr of powder with a 250 gr. bullet...consider the .45 Scofield loading of 28 to 32 grains of powder behind a 230gr. hollow base 1870's bullet. The mould has been avavilable from NEI. Also the standard 250 will also work for this purpose. These loadings can be very accurate, and foul a great deal less.
Lastly, the '72 Open Top was originally intended for ctgs. like the .44 Henry and Colt and the design is not quite as strong as a '73 SAA. These loadings will cause much less stress on the gun over a long period of use.
Hope this helps!

Slowhand Bob

I would even recommend taking it another level down, get some Cowboy 45 Special brass.  It is an extremely pleasant BP round when you seat a 160 gr bullet over the powder.  AJ even makes a super light weight 45cal bullet now but I have not had a chance to try it yet.  My recommendation is to take that gunsmith money you have saved and buy a Brownells super set of screwdrivers.  If you already have the screwdrivers, great, now order a set of nice pin punches and a couple of really light hammers, brass and nylon.  Even for a duffer like me, I have been walked through several fixes on the computer that have saved me the cost of some nice tools and that is where every penny saved goes.  Doing the simple stuff makes it affordable to send my guns to the big boys for the serious stuff!  OH and thanks to those of you with the know how and the willingness to help the rest of us.

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