Winchester 1886 Double Set Trigger

Started by Winchester Charlie, January 31, 2012, 11:02:58 PM

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Winchester Charlie

I just picked up a Winchester 1886 45/70, I noticed the original double set triger had been removed and replaced with a plain trigger.  Does any one know where I can find parts for the double set trigger or a gunsmith who can make them?

"You better not start a fight......but you damn well better finish it" My Father.

Winchester 1866  44 HCF
Winchester 1873  44 WCF
Winchester 1876  50-95
Winchester 1886  45-70
Winchester 1887  12ga
Winchester 1892  44 WCF
Winchester 1894  30 WCF
Winchester 1895  30 US

Grizzly Adams

Old man Buckingham down in Tenn. might still have one around.  Last time I priced one, it was more than the rifle its self! :o
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COMNAVFORV, NRA life, SASS Life, TG, STORM Rider #36.

Forty Rod

Make sure it isn't a single set first.  Push forward to set, pull normally to fire.  Winchester used a lot of them.
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