Busted original .36?

Started by Slowhand Bob, January 15, 2012, 07:32:30 AM

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Slowhand Bob

Guys I have posted recently concerning  a friends little five shot .36 Remington Police Model and what ya know, he called about it yesterday.  Seems he was showing it to someone recently and noticed the action had developed some sort of glitch.  Thinking trigger/bolt spring right off, he went in there to check first.  He said that it looked ok but on a hunch he decided to pull it anyway.  As the pressure was released by unscrewing, sure nuff one of the spring legs seperated/broke.  Not sure of the dynamics involved but that has happened to me a time or two through the years, the spring feels sprung and actually cracks when the pressure is released.  But I digress!  The question is where does one find the right trigger/bolt spring for an original early 1860s five shot Remmy police model?  I am thinking the big guns parts might not be doable but has anyone ever tried to rework a Colt '49 or '62 spring?  Would the tiny Pietta .32 Remmy spring perhaps be bigger than I might think?   Apparently an unusual little Remington with no reproductions existent, anyone have any ideas? 

St. George

Try Dixie Gun Works - in Union City, Tennessee.

Good Luck!


Scouts Out!
"It Wasn't Cowboys and Ponies - It Was Horses and Men.
It Wasn't Schoolboys and Ladies - It Was Cowtowns and Sin..."

Slowhand Bob

Someone on another forum suggested I try to contact Walt Kirst, suggesting he was somewhat an expert on the Remingtons.   Anyone know if he ever frequents these pages?  Knowing this is an unusual design for most SASSes due to being unavailable as reprductions, I expect answers to be hard to come by.  My first check will be to see if the small frame Colt springs will fit or can be modified to do so.  If that would work then it would be an easy matter for him to get one from VTI. 


Look for posts by Raven.  He is on here frequently and is a partner in the conversion cylinder business.

Hoof Hearted


I have had success grinding larger bolt/trigger springs down to fit but original parts are like hens teeth.
As suggested above try the usual haunts like Dixie, Numrich and maybe even Track of the Wolf.

If you can scan the original part (so that what I get is actual size) I can do some comparing for you.
I would also be willing to try making one by grinding one down if you don't want to try that method.

A Ubert Colt 1849 or Pietta 1863 Remington Pocket spring might also come close.

Anonymity breeds bravado.......especially over the internet!
aka: Mayor Maynot KILLYA SASS #8038
aka: F. Alexander Thuer NCOWS #3809
STORM #400

Slowhand Bob

Hoof Hearted, a generous offer my friend and I will pass it on if the local options fall short.  I plan to take a couple of my clones by so that we can compare springs.  If we can find a clone part that is close enuff then it becomes a matter of turning to VTI.

Hoof Hearted

Good on ya!

If you need anything let me know.

Anonymity breeds bravado.......especially over the internet!
aka: Mayor Maynot KILLYA SASS #8038
aka: F. Alexander Thuer NCOWS #3809
STORM #400

Slowhand Bob

Actually you could be of great help on this.  I really want that little .36 Remmy, so if I stood watch one night, you could slip right in and out like a little mouse!  If I had the names and contacts for the right fokes at Uberti and Pietta, I would become a real  PITA promoting one or both to recreate a clone for us.   Do not know what happened to him but 'THE GUY' from Pietta used to frequent these boards regularly.

Sir Charles deMouton-Black

"Alchimista" is still a member, and has been since 2007.  He last visited this forum in June, 2011.

You are talking about the Remington "police".  That is a five shot deal and not main match legal.  The one I like is the "BELT MODEL".  It is between the size of the "police" and the larger military models.  Better still, it is SIX shot!
NCOWS #1154, SCORRS, STORM, BROW, 1860 Henry, Dirty Rat 502, CHINOOK COUNTRY
Those who are no longer ignorant of History may relive it,
without the Blood, Sweat, and Tears.
With apologies to George Santayana & W. S. Churchill

"As Mark Twain once put it, "History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme."

Hoof Hearted

I have been told (by Raven and/or Walt) that Alessandro (I believe he is "Alchemista") is in posession of a Belt model that belongs to Walt with the intention of producing them. The wheels grind slow over there..maybe manana :'(
Anonymity breeds bravado.......especially over the internet!
aka: Mayor Maynot KILLYA SASS #8038
aka: F. Alexander Thuer NCOWS #3809
STORM #400

Slowhand Bob

Sir Charles, the little five shot Uberti .36 Colt '62 model has been ruled as legal for sass use based on the safety pin locking the hammer between two chambers (ruled to be the same situation as with the Kirst Conversion Cylinder guns).  Pale Wolf has checked it out for me and says it is legal for any SASS sanctioned match, as long as the between chamber safety locks are present and operational.  I'll look but am betting that Remington added their safety notch between the chambers of the original Police Model also.  Even if they did not it would be an easy fix to add it to a clone. 

No one would ever take home the gold with one of these little five shooters but the '62 Colts are great fun if you do not push them and many of us consider the Remington to be a superior design and I would buy a properly done pair tomorrow if they were offered.  Wonder if that little frame could handle six .32 cartridges with a lined barl?

Sir Charles deMouton-Black

Easy-bob;  Thanks for the info on the COLT Police .36.  I have one with a 4.5" bbl. but the tiny bead makes it shoot very high.  I might try a sweat-on blade from Track of the Wolf; - One Day!

Whofrtd;  If ever those remmie belt models come to Canada I will be right there to pick one up!
NCOWS #1154, SCORRS, STORM, BROW, 1860 Henry, Dirty Rat 502, CHINOOK COUNTRY
Those who are no longer ignorant of History may relive it,
without the Blood, Sweat, and Tears.
With apologies to George Santayana & W. S. Churchill

"As Mark Twain once put it, "History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme."

Slowhand Bob

Now we only need a few thousand more guys to sat they want one also, somebody type us up a petition!

Earl Brasse

I spoke with him when he was at Winter Range last year & he said they were working on it.

We spoke of how it would be of interest to the Civil War boys as well as Cowboy shooters in C&B.

With a cartridge conversion it would have an even bigger Cowboy market.

Seeing as nobody has made them before it seems like a good choice.

I know they also made them double action.  I can't remember if it was a too much of a difference but if not then maybe they will show up too.  (they did make both the Starr SA & DA after all)

Oh well, wish them luck.

Slowhand Bob

WOW, that is better than great news Earl, they can put me down for a pair of them.  Thanks for the information. 

I went by my buddys house on Thursday and also took my Uberti '62 to compare the springs.  The legs of my trigger/bolt spring are almost identical to the ones in his original Rem Police but there are a couple of problems there also.  When I checked this out, his spring was not broken but rather the trigger side had slipped off of the hammer bearing surface, there is no evidence that any of it had broken off but it is literally at least 1/16" shorter than it should be for dependability.  We shifted his spring as far positive as we could get and re-tightened the screw.  It actually functioned for three cycles before slipping off the hammer again.  My '62 spring is just a hair to wide to test in his BUT my trigger side looks to be almost identical in length to his, which would not help.  In hopes that perhaps a new spring would be slightly long for final fitting, I am going to order a new one from VTI.  Later guys.

Hoof Hearted


You can dremel/sand the hole oblong in order to move the spring towards the trigger sear. Be careful and slow and use water to keep it from getting hot or you'll lose temper.

Of course you can also sand the sides of a new spring to fit it in the pistol.........

Quote from: Slowhand Bob on January 21, 2012, 05:31:03 PM
WOW, that is better than great news Earl, they can put me down for a pair of them.  Thanks for the information. 

I went by my buddys house on Thursday and also took my Uberti '62 to compare the springs.  The legs of my trigger/bolt spring are almost identical to the ones in his original Rem Police but there are a couple of problems there also.  When I checked this out, his spring was not broken but rather the trigger side had slipped off of the hammer bearing surface, there is no evidence that any of it had broken off but it is literally at least 1/16" shorter than it should be for dependability.  We shifted his spring as far positive as we could get and re-tightened the screw.  It actually functioned for three cycles before slipping off the hammer again.  My '62 spring is just a hair to wide to test in his BUT my trigger side looks to be almost identical in length to his, which would not help.  In hopes that perhaps a new spring would be slightly long for final fitting, I am going to order a new one from VTI.  Later guys.
Anonymity breeds bravado.......especially over the internet!
aka: Mayor Maynot KILLYA SASS #8038
aka: F. Alexander Thuer NCOWS #3809
STORM #400

Colt Fanning

After breaking 4 Trigger/Bolt springs in Pietta Mod 1851's, I installed a Wolf wire spring made for the Mod 1873 SAA.  The trigger
leg of the spring has a right angle bend at the end which makes it too short but after straightening it out (cold) it works
perfectly.  It might also work with modifications in a Remington.

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