problems with BA mould

Started by wyattm, September 22, 2011, 08:36:04 PM

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I have the Buffalo Arms 350 gr mould for the 45-75. No matter what I try it will not mould bullets. The lead partly fills the cavity then hardens up in the sprue cutoff hole.... tried all heats from low to as hight as it will go with same results. When I do get a not so bad bullet the last band in the bullet will not fill with lead....I got maybe five that were filled but the bands are all rounded. Weighed the so-so ones and they came out at 338 gr not 350.......I am using 16-1 but a 12 gr difference between 16-1 and 20-1 I can not believe. I have some RCBS 325 gr FN (345 gr) moulded in 16-1 and they weigh 345 + gr. Moulded up some 500 gr for 45-70 form my Lyman 457125 mould to test my lead and they came out beautiful. Can anyone help me out.

Ranch 13

Loosen the sprue plate up.
Might try preheating the sprue plate.
Might also try another degreasing session.
IF none of those works you need to call BACO and get the matter solved.
Eat more beef the west wasn't won on a salad.


Thanks Ranch 13. I have tried all of your above suggestions to no avail.I will call BACO.

Ranch 13

Are  you holding the spout of the ladle tight to the sprue hole?
Eat more beef the west wasn't won on a salad.


Ranch 13.... I took your advice and degreased the mould again and I switched to a lead dipper with a spout that fits in the sprue hole and guess what........I am now getting beautiful bullets from my BACO mould....They weigh in at 340 + grs.
Thanks for the advice.

Ranch 13

 :)Glad to help. Those BACO moulds are as good or better than some of the namedropper custom jobs.
Biggest problem with the BACO moulds is if they don't have the exact bullet you want you either have to settle for what they have, or go to one of the custom houses.
Eat more beef the west wasn't won on a salad.

john boy

Wyatt: Items of success for 'pretty bullets':
*  A clean mold - use brake cleaner
* The spout of the ladle pressed firmly into the sprue plate hole (mold in a vertical position) to create a good head pressure and pour for 5 seconds
*  The pot and mold at a temperature where the sprue puddle frosts in 8 - 10 seconds for plus 300gr bullets

If you would have sent the mold back to Jim at BACO, he would have sent it back with 2 bullets, dead nuts on the nominal weight of the bullet weight.  He is kind of 'proud' that the molds he cuts are quality
SHOTS Master John Boy

WartHog ...
Brevet 1st Lt, Scout Company, Department of the Atlantic
SASS  ~  SCORRS ~ OGB with Star

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john boy... everything is working great now and I made a mistake on the weight....  with my 16-1 mix the bullets...weigh in at 346+ grs.

john boy

Wyat ...always like a post that has a happy ending from the poster.  Congratulations!
SHOTS Master John Boy

WartHog ...
Brevet 1st Lt, Scout Company, Department of the Atlantic
SASS  ~  SCORRS ~ OGB with Star

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