New '66 Rifle in 44.40

Started by Cemetery, November 15, 2010, 08:52:00 PM

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I'm savin' my nickels for a new rifle in 44.40, preferably a 20" '66.  Will be for black exclusively.  Then again, don't know what else to load cartridges with..... ;D

Can anybody recommend a gunsmith?  Prefer someone who doesn't simply grind down the parts to almost nothing, and if something is broken, or breaks, knows how to fix it. :o

I was thinking of going with Jim Bowie, since I heard he's an actual gunsmith, or maybe even Long Hunter when he gets back to rifles.  But does it even matter who I go to for black powder shooting?  Pettifogger doesn't do commercial gunsmithing does he?  ???
God forgives, I don't........

Yakima Red

I have been shooting my '66 for 11 straight years. It came smooth straight out of the box and has been the most reliable cowboy gun I own. I have used it exclusively in every match. No other powder but black in 44-40. Made by Uberti, I'd get another before anything else. It shoots a house a fire.

Shoot it for a while before taking it to the Smithy. They will be able to see the tight spots better. If it needs anything at all.
Director, Colters Hell Justice Committee WSAS.
Wyoming Single Action Shooters.
SASS, NCOWS, NRA Life Endowment.
Certified NRA Firearms Instructor.
2008 NRA Wyoming volunteer of the year.
Creator of miracles.
"Let us then...under God, trust our cause to our swords. ~Samuel Adams


Yaks is right, run 500 odd rounds through it (your elbow should be the lowest colection point for the oil. You may be happy with it as it is. I am with mine, but I have been spoilt using a short stroked 73, which causes me to short stroke the 66 everynow and then.

After that decide if you want a bit of smithing done to it. Getting to know the rifle like that you may even have a go yourself.

My 73 was tuned by a smith who is one of the top cowboy smiths in Australia. He must have done mine on Friday afternoon, it was a complete PITA for a long while. Two gunsmiths tried to get it right and my mate who is a tinkerer got it going. He warned me that because it was tuned by altering the parts, that it would wear eventually and need further work. That was two years ago and I have used it a lot. It is in dry dock at th emoment and the 66 is back in the saddle again. Drop in parts seem to be a bettr deal to me as you can convert back to standard if you want to sell the gun or something breaks (unlikely). Some gunsmiths prefer the modification route as they don't have to keep much inventory and the costs are all labour, which they recieve.
All my cowboy gun's calibres start with a 4! It's gotta be big bore and whomp some!

BOLD No: 782
RATS No: 307
STORM No:267

Howdy Doody

I can vouch for Jim Bowie. Also Will Shootem of Pioneer Gunworks and then there is Cody Conager. Let me toss this name out there. Owen Money. He can really do a nice job on a rifle. They are all stand up pards. Long Hunter is supposed to be getting some help now though in his new store. Marshal Harlan Wolf is well known. Jimmy Spurs is good. We are blessed to have so many that can tune a 66 or a 73.
yer pard,
Howdy Doody
Notorious BP shooter


"Drop in parts seem to be a bettr deal to me as you can convert back to standard if you want to sell the gun or something breaks (unlikely)"
Mine runs better than I can with drop in parts.

Shoot it first. You may not need to do anything to it.

Howdy Doody

Out of curiosity since I do not shoot 44-40 but 45lc and have thought about getting one. What size bullets generally work well in Uberti rifles. I have heard anywhere between .427-430 any experiences along that line? Since I cast my own it would be nice to know what works best if I am to invest in mold and sizing die. Thanks.
yer pard,
Howdy Doody
Notorious BP shooter


My 1866 won't chamber a .430 bullet. I worked down with sizing dies until I hit a size that WOULD chamber every time. I settled on a .428 (MAV Dutchman Big Lube of course)

Forty Rod

Quote from: Howdy Doody on November 16, 2010, 02:57:49 AM
I can vouch for Jim Bowie. Also Will Shootem of Pioneer Gunworks and then there is Cody Conager. Let me toss this name out there. Owen Money. He can really do a nice job on a rifle. They are all stand up pards. Long Hunter is supposed to be getting some help now though in his new store. Marshal Harlan Wolf is well known. Jimmy Spurs is good. We are blessed to have so many that can tune a 66 or a 73.

I can second Owen and Rowdy Yates ain't no slouch either.  Both do great work.
People like me are the reason people like you have the right to bitch about people like me.


Cody from the Cowboy store in WVA. does what he calls the Codymatic. His price is half of what others charge and he uses a machine to cut the carrier to where it is perfect. Some people just put in all the slick parts and charge you $400. Cody's price is around $200 and his turnaround time is fast. Look him up
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Howdy, the question of bullet diameter depends on the brand of brass.  With WW/Winchester brass I can load 429 bullets and still chamber.  With Remington brass I can't chamber a bullet larger than 427.  Starline will chamber with 428.

I buy 428, and my lube/size die is 427.  Accuracy is about the same with either.  The rifle will chamber slightly larger cartridges due to the leverage (pardon the pun), but the fit is easier to check in a revolver cylinder.  I also have a case gage from Dillon, and if the loaded cartridge fits fine in it, it'll chamber.

The man who beats his sword into a plowshare shall farm for the man who did not.

SASS 976, NRA Life
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