More historically correct hammers on Uberti made break tops

Started by Virginia Gentleman, January 11, 2013, 12:56:11 PM

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Virginia Gentleman

I had my Navy Arms Schofield sent to Taylor's & Company's gunsmith who in addition to fixing the cylinder rotation problem installed a newer Uberti hammer that is shaped correctly and has checkering on the spur vs the old serrations found on the original Navy Arms version.  It makes a big difference on how much more accurate the gun looks historically to the original.  Wasn't super expensive either.   I think VTI has the parts from time to time for those that want to make this modification themselves.


I had jamming problems with my Uberti Schofield I got 6 years ago.  Finally, after it going back to Uberti several times, they said the gun had a design flaw.  They sent me a new gun.  It had a different hammer, the "more accurate" version that you describe.  The old one had a slightly different curve and a rough tip.   I like the new one  :D

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