Check out American Rifleman

Started by Lou Graham, June 24, 2005, 08:05:40 AM

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Lou Graham

Hey, those of you that get the NRA magazine, there's a write up on the new Trail Boss powder in the current issue - BUT LOOK AT THE PICTURES.

There's a barefoot lady!  It's Half-a-Hand Henri from RI.  She's one heck of a shooter and can beat pretty much any man in these parts on any given day.  Last weekend she beat Tex shooting Gunfighter at Heluva Rukus.  She's a great pard.
Soot Lady
You can never be too thin, too rich or have too much ammo

Book Miser

Quote from: Lou Graham on June 24, 2005, 08:05:40 AM
...can beat pretty much any man in these parts on any given day. 

Lou, the day I come anywhere near Kiddo Caldwell's score, it'll be drinks on me! She shot (Ladies' traditional) thru the 8th month of her pregnancy, and is now the proud momma of one of the youngest SASS life members.

Two Bits Caldwell's SASS number is exactly her daddy's number plus 50,000.

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