Thanks Cajon Cowboys

Started by San Yskidrow Belle, May 31, 2005, 09:15:27 AM

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San Yskidrow Belle

It was a fun weekend.  My hands are still recovering from the 300 round shoot on Sunday.   ;D  My left hand was so puffed I couldn't wear my ring.  My right hand is sore as heck.  ;D

It was a great weekend.

Buckeye Flats

 ;D SYB, I would have to agree! I didn't shoot Sunday, But Saturday was a beautiful day, being in the foothills surrounded by the San Berdarndino Mtns, shooting with good friends, Cajon Cowboys are a class act and I only wish I could find the time to shoot there more often! By the way it was pleasure to meet you, I had too leave the party other wise I would have had to spend the night! that would not have gone over well with my very{most of the time}understanding wife! Hopefully we can posse up at W3G or another CAS match sometime. :)

Buckeye Flats

USAF'68-'72 S/Sgt
The Cowboys
Cajon Cowboys
Hollywood/W3G/Deadwood Boys
Double Duelist / "2 Guns, 2 Hands"
Owner / Sierra Hat Company

"If'n you can't shoot good, Look good"


Howdy To San Yskidro Belle and Buckeye Flats.

You are very welcome, come back real soon. !!! Thanks so much for the kind words.  We try real hard at Cajon Cowboys.  ;) ;) ;)  We are shooting on July 30th and 31 also.  30th will be 4 Cowboy stages followed by 5 rifle only stages.  The 31st is 4 cowboy Stages and 4 Shotgun only stages.  Hope to see you out.  You can shoot one or both days.

Regards, Bojack
Co-Founder Cajon Cowboys
Cajon Cowboys #1
SASS Regulator #5030

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