Barrel tightening

Started by TwoSams, March 04, 2010, 08:01:55 AM

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Recently acquired a brass framed Pietta '58 Remmy in .44 to add to my growing collection.  Here is my problem....the barrel isn't tight.  There is about 1/8" play in it and I don't know why.  I would like to tighten the barrel but I'm not sure the proper way to keep from doing more harm than good.  I am assuming that with the barrel pointing away from me that tuning it clockwise loosens it and turning it counterclockwise tightens it.  If that is wrong please tell me. 

This is my 1st post and I have looked through the archives.  The only post I could find about this type of problem was one by Sundance44 and he loosened the barrel enough to put red loctite on the threads and retightened it.  I'm wondering if that worked for him or not.

Thanks guys.


Not familiar with Sundance44s thread.  But that fix sounds reasonable.   If you had the frame in your left hand, . . and the barrel in you right hand, . . turning the barrle counter clockwise would loosen it.  ( ie  right hand threads )  I'm assuming that you bought the pitsol used ?   If purchased new, . . . then return it to where you got it for a replacement. 

Good shootin', . . .  :)

ps.  Wait for more input on this before you do anything.   

If put in with red locktite . . . it is gonna stay where you put it.  And if it doesn't shoot to point of aim you are not gonna be able to turn the barrel any to adjust the point of aim
Beware the man with one gun, he probably knows how to use it.


Hi, Wolfgang.  Yes, it is well used.  I plan on shooting it first before I do anything.  I just wanted to hear what others might suggest as a solution. 

This is a dumb question, but turning it by hand I can only move the barrel about 1/8".  When I get ready to tighten it, should I use some sort of wrench and how to do that without scarring the barrel?  How would you do that?


Wolfgang has it right on the thread being a right hand thread. Think about it from the screw (barrel) toward the hole it threads into (frame) and then it's righty tighty and lefty loosey.
When the barrel is screwed in as far as you can are the sights in alignment?
Usually you should not be able to get the sights into alignment screwing the barrel in by hand. you should have approxamatly an eigth of a turn left to align the sights.
Now if the sights do align screwing the barrel in by hand you should very carefully inspect the frame for cracks.
Use a magnifier and be thourough.
If everything looks good. you can use a hammer and lightly pean the flats at the rear of the barrel where it meets the frame. Do a little and then check the barrel in the frame. You want the barrel to thread in by hand and stop at about an eigth of a turn from the sights being aligned.
Mount the barrel in a vise between wood blocks and using rosin to help keep it from turning clamp it TIGHT!
At this point you may need to make, buy or borrow an action wrench. DO NOT use a hammer handle through the frame you will twist the frame! and tighten the frame to the barrel till the sights align.
Do not use lock tight.
Hope this helps!


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