Thanks for the Help in 2009

Started by JD Alan, December 31, 2009, 01:44:20 AM

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JD Alan

JD here. As 2009 wraps up, I would like to thank the many Pards on this Forum that have helped me so much. I will undoubtedly leave some out by mistake, but here goes, and not in any order of importance.

Marshall Will and 10 Wolves for working hard so we have a Forum to gather 'round. (Thanks to CAS City!)

To Ned Buckshot who made me an excellent knife and Rolling Thunder for some outstanding spur straps.

I won't list advice, because there are just too many, but you know who you are; thank you!

Patterns from Slowhand Bob, Outrider, Canelo Kid, Feathers and Kid Terico were all very helpful and appreciated. Slowhand sent me some leather and some tools. Phone calls from Bob and KT have been helpful.

Johnny McCrae for the sewing lessons complete with leather thread and needles, and some sample leather    

WC for allowing me the privilege of visiting his shop, and for extending his hospitality.  Meeting 10 Wolves and Sandi was a bonus.  

Forty Rod for the 1911 model that just arrived in the mail.

Everyone for the encouraging words during my stroke in April.

The personal words of encouragement and the cards from some of you proved to be very encouraging.

Those that have written asking various questions related to my capacity as a pastor have been a privilege, thank you.

That's all I can think of for the moment. If I remember more I will modify this post.

God bless you all, and may you have a safe and prosperous New Year, JD (aka Jeff)  

The man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with an argument.


Howdy JD
A Happy and Safe New Year to you and all the Pards on Cas City.
Leather by WC / Standing Bear's Trading Post

Slowhand Bob

I am going to do the Callyfornia thing here, but it is from the heart, thanks for being you and thanks for being my friends.  A toast to you all and  hopes for an even better new year.  AND all IOUs from 2009 will be gladly honored, just remind me of where they lay! Slowhand Bob (Robby)


Happy New Year Pards...may it be a good and prosperous one......2010 surely will be better than 2009.
Outrider  (formerly "Dusty Dick" out of PA.)
SASS #2353
BOLD #895
Custom Leathersmith
Ocoee Rangers

Gun Butcher

  JD, it has been an amazing year.  I would like to thank all of you for helping me to regain a part of me that I missed very much. It is great to be back into leatherwork and I owe it all to you guys here on the forum.
The time has just flown by and I am looking forward to next year and sharing it with the very fine friends I have made on this forum.
Everyone please have a safe, healthy, and Happy New Year.

                                                              Gun Butcher
Lost..... I ain't never been lost...... fearsome confused fer a month er two once... but I never been lost.
Life is a Journey, the best that we can find in our travels is an honest friend.

Johnny McCrae

Here's wishing everyone a Happy and Prosperous New Year! I'm optimistic about 2010.

I would like to thank everybody for all of the generous help and encouragement given to me through the years. I've met a lot of good people here at the Leather Shop.

Special thanks go to Marshall Will and Ten Wolves for their dedication to this Forum. Your guidance has made the Leather Shop a great place to visit and a tremendous source of information.

JD, We need to thank you for your enthusiasm and the topics you have posted. I know I've learned a lot from the replies to your questions. Please keep em' coming.
You need to learn to like all the little everday things like a sip of good whiskey, a soft bed, a glass of buttermilk,  and a feisty old gentleman like myself

JD Alan

They say even a blind squirrel finds an acorn once in a while. I feel like a blind squirrel most of the time on this Forum, since so often I don't understand what people are trying to explain to me. Kid Terico has been trying lately to explain some things to me, but I think I might drive him crazy before we're done :P 
The man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with an argument.

Dalton Masterson

JD, I want you to keep up the learning that you are doing. If you are not learning something new, you arent living right. Your work is coming along very well, and I cant wait to see what you turn out in 2010!

Also, 10W and Marshal Will have an excellent resource here, that they run very well. Thank you!

DM (who hasnt been on lately due to kid, work, snow, etc, etc)
SASS #51139L
Former Territorial Governor of the Platte Valley Gunslingers (Ret)
GAF (Bvt.) Major in command of Battalion of Western Nebraska
SUDDS 194--Double Duelist and proud of it!
RATS #65
Gunfighting Soot Lord from Nebrasky
44 spoke, and it sent lead and smoke, and 17 inches of flame.

Kid Terico

Happy New Year to everyone. For being a newbe you all have treated me so fine and I feel it has been a honor to get to know you. JD its fun talking with you and others to try to help. It goes both ways this learning. I get more than I give to you all. Marshall and TW cant thank the two of u enough for this site. I didnt want to single out any one person but I have to close by saying, Ned we will be talking with you 20 years from now. God keep u all safe. Terry aka KT

Ten Wolves Fiveshooter


      HAPPY NEW YEAR to all my Pards, it's been another good year for us here in the forum, and I know the coming year will be promising too, I too would like to thank all of you for your participation in the Leather Shop, without all of you we wouldn't have the Great Forum we do, and a special thanks to Marshal Holloway, and Teresa for having us all here on the forum, I'm not going to mention the names of all that have helped me, through these years, there are too many to mention, but to all of you I say a Big Thank You.
      Marshal Will and I have talked about how lucky we are to have the people we do here, it makes our jobs much easier too, and then we have JD, what would we do without JD, if you were to look back through the threads you will see JD attached to many of them, we all need to thank him for asking the questions he does, he's like the Big Spin, you never know where it's going to stop and what questions he's going to ask, so keep it up JD, we're all learning from this.
      We've seen a lot of our friends go through some hard times this year with health issues, but with there well to fight, and a whole lot of prayers from folks here in the forum and else where , we have seen them overcome there pain to be able to join in with us again, we all need to keep these prayers going so that our pards will be healthy this coming year and in the future.

   I wish everyone a great new year, and a healthy and safe one too, and may the gold dust over flow the bags it's stored in. ::) :o 8)

                                HAPPY NEW YEARS PARDS  :D ;D ;D ;) ;D

                                   tEN wOLVES  ;) :D ;D
NRA, SASS# 69595, NCOWS#3123 Leather Shop, RATTS# 369, SCORRS, BROW, ROWSS #40   Shoot Straight, Have Fun, That's What It's All About

Kid Terico

TW where in your back yard are these bags buried?  ;D ;D ;D KT

Ten Wolves Fiveshooter

Quote from: Kid Terico on December 31, 2009, 11:18:42 AM
TW where in your back yard are these bags buried?  ;D ;D ;D KT

     I'm Rich in spirit and friends Kid  ;) :D

         tEN wOLVES  ;) :D ;D
NRA, SASS# 69595, NCOWS#3123 Leather Shop, RATTS# 369, SCORRS, BROW, ROWSS #40   Shoot Straight, Have Fun, That's What It's All About

Marshal Will Wingam

Well, it certainly has been a great year. TW is right about how lucky we are to have the kind of people we do on this forum. Everyone has made the forum a wonderful experience. You all have added your own particular bit of personality to the mix and the end result is outstanding. I'm honored to know all of you.

Happy New Year to you all. May 2010 be your finest.

SCORRS     SASS     BHR     STORM #446

Dr. Bob

Howdy Pards,

What a great bunch of fellows are here!  May we all enjoy the new decade and each others company in 2010! ;D
Regards, Doc
Dr. Bob Butcher,
NCOWS 2420, Senator
HR 4
GAF 405,
NRA Life,
KGC 8.
Motto: Clean mind  -  Clean body,   Take your pick

Arizona Cattleman

 ;) I want to give thanks to all the Pards who are always willing to give help, advice and a good word to another Pard.  Special thanks to ACE and SLOWHAND for getting me started in such a great hobby as is Leather Working.  Have a great New Year and may we all meet each other in person at some time in the future.

AZ Cattleman
SASS Member #86387
NRA Member
USCCA Member

Kid Terico

AC has anyone ever told you that u look a lot like John Wayne?  ;D ;D KT

Arizona Cattleman

 ;D It's the eye patch........

Seriously, my Dad looked like John W.  At least I thought so, maybe not so much....

AZ Cattleman
SASS Member #86387
NRA Member
USCCA Member

Ten Wolves Fiveshooter

   AC, your Dad was John Wayne in your eyes, mine was too, God Bless Him.

      Getting back on topic, I think we can all be grateful for the help we get here in the forum, I don't know of any one pard that isn't willing to help out another, I hope this trend will continue through 2010.

                 tEN  ;) :D ;D
NRA, SASS# 69595, NCOWS#3123 Leather Shop, RATTS# 369, SCORRS, BROW, ROWSS #40   Shoot Straight, Have Fun, That's What It's All About

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