APP to Unique to APP

Started by Buckshot Mitchell, November 09, 2009, 06:48:26 PM

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Buckshot Mitchell

My 66 in 45colt hasn't seen a smokeless round in years. I have been shooting APP with
smokeless lubed  bullets. I considering putting some smokeless rounds through it this
weekend during side matches on Friday. I'm going back to the APP rounds for the match
on Saturday and Sunday. Have any of you done this? Is it possible without a thorough
cleaning? From what I have heard I wouldn't want to do this with real black powder, but
I don't know about APP and Unique both with the same bullets and lube. I'm asking
because I'm trying to cut down on the number of firearms I take to the match since it
will involve staying in a motel.
Bayou Bounty Hunters
SASS 24941
GAF 423
SBSS 921
Republic Of West Florida-1810

Capt. Montgomery Little

Shouldn't be an issue. I have done this a number of times (just this past weekend) and clean-up is still a wet patch, then a dry one and finally a little oil-soaked wipe-down. Have as yet to need to clean action after switching numerous times. Meybe some day but not soon.

Buckshot Mitchell

Thanks, Capt. I didn't want it to start hanging up during the match. Though with my speed and accuracy, (meaning I don't have alot of either), it probably won't make a big difference to my score. But it sure would be frustrating.
Bayou Bounty Hunters
SASS 24941
GAF 423
SBSS 921
Republic Of West Florida-1810

Pony Racer

BM how you been my friend?  You getting ready for the Hangin - I suppose...

The bigger issue with switching APP and smokeless would be if you switched lube types.  Since you don't it shouldn't be an issue.  If you were - a good chamber and barrel cleaning would eliminate the dreaded "black goo" that can result from the mixture of BP lube and smokeless lube remnants getting together.

I am hoping to get down that way in the spring and hit the Mississippi Peacemakers  state match.

Glad it looks like IDA is not swamping the Hangin, say hi to the rest of the Posse down that aways.


GAF 239
Pony Pulling Daddy
Member Fire & Brimstone Posse
Having fun learning the ways of the cowboy gun

Buckshot Mitchell

Howdy Pony Racer, we sure miss you down here. It's been a long time, I was hoping you could make it to the Hangin' this year. I've seen where you've been promoted a few times since you left, and am very happy for you. In fact, aren't you the commanding the whole Revenue Cutter Service by now? I hope you and the family are all well. And yes, Ida didn't really bother us at all, as it passed to the east. I talked to Buffalo Doc this morning (he is close to Pensacola) and he said they had some wind and about 3 inches of rain. Well take care of yourself and we'll look for you in the Spring. It just dawned on me, I should thank you for this rifle as it's the one I got from you. It's my favorite cowboy rifle and it's never let me down.
Bayou Bounty Hunters
SASS 24941
GAF 423
SBSS 921
Republic Of West Florida-1810

Pony Racer

Thanks BM - I am glad that the rifle has served you well.

It was great to sell it to a good pard.

I have been trying to get back to the Hangin really hard for last two years but time of year and military planning cycles have worked against me.  My Coast Guard job has me working with the other services and joint planning alot.

I am hoping with new orders comng this winter that my new job will be closer or allow me a bit more time to travel and play.

Have fun this weekend and make lots of SMOKE, FIRE and BOOM!!!!

GAF 239
Pony Pulling Daddy
Member Fire & Brimstone Posse
Having fun learning the ways of the cowboy gun

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