Sgt.'s Jacket Cavalry, Indian War Need pics or pattern

Started by dbrown3, October 12, 2009, 10:16:31 PM

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Howdy pards
I need a patern for a Navy Blue Sgt's Cavalry jacket.  If I am not mistaken it is from the Indian War period.
A few good pictures would help also.
My wifeis going to make one for her son-in-law, Sgt Pepper,  who shoots CAS with us.

Drydock   lots of pictures of different uniforms.  Some of the CW sutlers have patterns for sale as well.
Civilize them with a Krag . . .

Roscoe Coles

A lot depends on what time you want to do.  For the early Indian Wars, and actually quite late, the Civil War Sack Coat is proper.  Later on in the 1870s they began to have new uniforms, though they were not universally issued and were probably used mostly for dress occasions.  I just got a late Civil War sack coat myself that I will be using for military impressions as needed.  A field impression was totally different as many soldiers didn't actually wear uniforms on campaign (they were expensive and didn't hold up as well as civilian purchase).  Of course this varied over time and by command but on some of Crook's expeditions in the 1870s, about the only way you can tell folks are soldiers in the pictures is from their equipment and guns. 

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