Legacy/Puma Westerner 45

Started by nobody, May 01, 2009, 10:25:48 AM

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Howdy again,

I was at my FFL to pickup up a new six gun, and he told me he is going to carry in stock, theWesterner from Puma.

Has anyone ever seen one of these, I did not know they existed, I understand they are made by Pietta.

Well, he said he can cut me a sweetheart of a deal on one, but I am not sure whether it would be good or just be

buying a headache.  Any replies would be appreciated, he is talking around 350 brand new in box, choice of barrel lengths.

Too good to be worth it??????

Just a question that I hope I can get some insight about these here.


nobody (JimLong)

Dirty Brass

Seems Puma is expanding in a lot of areas lately. They have a pretty good reputation as far as I know, but I don't own any.

Shotgun Franklin

I have a Puma/Legecy SS.45 Colt as my backup Cowboy rifle and truck gun. I'm real happy with it. Shoots fine and although it's still stiff I consider it a decent CAS or self defense gun. I migh use it to fill my freezer this Fall. Oh, I did put a Buckhorn rear sight on it as those are my favorite iron sights for a rifle.
Yes, I do have more facial hair now.

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