Aging a Rig....

Started by Arizona Cattleman, July 03, 2009, 10:20:33 AM

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Arizona Cattleman

I need to age my rig to look like I have been on a cattle drive my whole life.  I have seen some very good looking rigs here, but to complete my personna it must look like I live in it on the West Texas plains.  I am new to CAS and this site, not a leather crafter so using techniques that could be done by a novice with things you might have around the house.  Alot to ask for but from what I have seen on this site, you all stick together to help out a pard.

SASS Member #86387
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Howdy, Pard,
I know there are folks who will advise using this and that on a rig, but I say, go to a bunch of CAS shoots, throw the rig (sans gun and cartridges) in the back of your vehicle, and let it bounce around for awhile.  Of course, you could take an old tire chain and beat on the leather (lightly), or throw it in the horse corral, and let "Ol' Paint" pi$$ on it and step on it, but that's a bit extreme to me!

Seriously, if the leather is a light color and the leather isn't oil impregnated, you could dye it a darker color, and allow the dye to streak a bit, applying it unevenly across the surface.  If the leather is already dark, you could distress it using #0000 steel wool in spots, followed by a light application of  Lexol Leather Conditioner.

Ride to the sound of the guns, but watch out for bushwhackers! Godspeed to all in harm's way in the defense of Freedom! God Bless America!

Your obedient servant,
Bvt. Lt. Col. Commanding,
Southern District
Dept. of the Platte, GAF

Arizona Cattleman

Thanks for you input.  Its a new inexpensive rig by Okalahoma Leather so the only treatment it has is some dye but not much in a brown color.  Scuffs easily and I'm still trying to strech the cartridige loops some.  Am I correct in thinking that the leather should darken with age and handling due to oils in your hands and sweat etc.?

SASS Member #86387
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Marshal Will Wingam

I've never had the occasion to age anything but there are some very knowledgable experts on the forum here, Trailrider has already given you some great ideas. Welcome to the forum. Looking forward to your posts.

SCORRS     SASS     BHR     STORM #446

Arizona Cattleman

Thanks Marshal, I am looking forward to being a part of the forums.  My father was Lewis B Patten, a noted Western Novelist, so I have been raised around the Old West way of life.  It is in my blood, and now that I approach retirement, I will have more time to devote to my love of all things western.

Thanks for the great work on this web site....
SASS Member #86387
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GunClick Rick

 Let my wife use it for awhile,she aged me real good like :P Course she may need it for about  30 years.. ;D
Bunch a ole scudders!

Arizona Cattleman

Now Thats Funny, I don't care who you are!!!!!  :D  ;D

SASS Member #86387
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Ten Wolves Fiveshooter

Quote from: GunClick Rick on July 03, 2009, 12:08:27 PM
Let my wife use it for awhile,she aged me real good like :P Course she made need for about 30 years..
+1  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
NRA, SASS# 69595, NCOWS#3123 Leather Shop, RATTS# 369, SCORRS, BROW, ROWSS #40   Shoot Straight, Have Fun, That's What It's All About

JD Alan

I have an article reprinted from the Leather Crafters & Saddlers Journal, Jul-Aug 1998 titled "Aging Your Leather Project" You can look for them online, as they sell back copies. The article was by Wayne Zurl.   

You might also want to check out Chuck Burrows Website, Wild Rose Trading Company. He usually has good info on all sorts of things, and makes incredible leather goods.

Good luck, and welcome to the Forum! JD
The man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with an argument.

Arizona Cattleman

Thanks JD, I'll do that.

SASS Member #86387
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Here's a start - - this is the article JD mentioned .............

To properly "age" is not a simple 1, 2, 3 step process - it takes me a minimum of 3-4 week to get a good start and dependent on how much a piece is aged I prefer 2-3 months and even better is 6-7 months ................doing it right is not a matter of "faking" it, but rather accelerating the normal or hate the used look is your choice, but for those who state everything started out new - that's true to a point - but it is also true that not everyone in in the past started out with new goods - there are lots of cites for used goods and besides few of us put the 24/7/etc, wear and tear on our goods that those in the past did........been there done that and things wear much quicker when used under those circumstances in comparison to the on again off again "weekend" wear most folks do today......
aka Nolan Sackett
Frontier Knifemaker & Leathersmith

Arizona Cattleman

Time is never in short supply......I sometimes find money is fleeting......and friends are forever, at least the good ones.

That link is not working, just takes you back to the home page. 

Thanks, I have made some progress with some fine steel wool to put wear areas and take the sharp edges off.  Do you recommnd forming to gun first or after staining?  Also, what would the mixture ratio be for water and elmers?


SASS Member #86387
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