Slim Jim over cartridge loops

Started by Skeeter Lewis, May 18, 2009, 09:15:31 AM

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Skeeter Lewis

I'd like to make a slim jim for a SAA that would go over cartridge loops, like the James brothers' rigs. Can the holster be held firmly on such on a belt, or would it have to have a degree of movement? Maybe it's a question of how long and wide the holster loop is. Any advice, pards?

Marshal Will Wingam

A slightly tighter loop will hold the holster more securely. I have one that really compresses the loops when it goes on. It almost holds the loops flat. That one will stay positioned better than others I have with looser loops. On leather loops, you will probably distort them slightly if you leave the holster on them. This won't affect the way the loops will work in the future, but they'll look a little flat or bent over after you pull the holster off. Canvas loops would be a little more forgiving over time. If the holster is going to stay on the belt, it probably won't be an issue. You may be able to stiffen the loops by putting ear plugs in them before you slip the holster on.

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Slowhand Bob

Are you asking if the holster will work over bare loops or loops with cartridges?  A custom leather worker will make it to your specs, where practical, and this should be do-able just by adding the appropriate amount of belt loop.  Though not the only way, I use SAAs in the Slim Jim, but they are most commonly associated with narrow pre cartridge era belts and that is my preferred wear.   

Skeeter Lewis

Thanks for the advice, Marshal.

Bob, I think I would leave the loops under the holster empty to give a snugger fit. I hear what you say about narrow belts, though slim jims went into the wider-belt era. I'll probably settle for a compromise between the two. Packing Iron shows several examples of these .

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