Howdy to the camp!

Started by Tuolumne Lawman, April 20, 2009, 10:16:01 AM

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Tuolumne Lawman

Well, I have been gone most of the last 18 months, but I just thought I would stop by the fire and say hi!

Currently using my other favorite carbine, A SMITH, for re-enacting with Co. F, 12th Illinois Cavalry.  No longer have a Spencer (sob!)  but still love them!

:P :P :P :P :P :P a Smith ??? ??? ??? ???  What's a Smith ??? ??? ??? ::) ::) ::)
Two Flints
CO. F, 12th Illinois Cavalry  SASS # 6127 Life * Spencer Shooting Society #43 * Motherlode Shootist Society #1 * River City Regulators

Tuolumne Lawman

hahaha! What's a Smith?????

I would say a "poor man's Spencer" but NONE of the imports are cheap now.  Retail on the Smith is $850 now, and two years ago was $650.   I would hate to see what a Spencer goes for now!  I have a secret dream of getting a 45 LC Spencer, but then I believe in Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny too.  Unless some poor soul wanted to trade a Spencer for a Underwood GI M1 carbine (with Singer "B" on receiver), I will just have to continue to dream.... :P

The Smith has three virtues:

It is the easiest Civil War carbine to load blanks for re-enacting.
It is the easiest to use on horseback (which I no longer have a horse, so that's irrelavent)
To make a loaded "live" round you just push the bullet in a loaded blank.  I never have to load live rounds and blanks.  I only load blanks, and if I want to live fire, I stuff some slugs in them! ;D
CO. F, 12th Illinois Cavalry  SASS # 6127 Life * Spencer Shooting Society #43 * Motherlode Shootist Society #1 * River City Regulators

El Supremo


I want to recall that you have posted here on Spencers.  Please tell me about yours, how it shot on target and why you let it go.

I've let a few choice pieces go over the years and regret several.  Some simply cannot be replaced within reason.  One was a 100% Spencer ORIGINAL rifle that I couldn't in conscience accept as a gift in return for some estate sale work for a widow.  I told her to keep the VALUABLE rifle for her family as an heirlom.  She said she would and then, without calling me, dumped it at roughly 20% of its quick sale value.  Bummer.  Which term, I just heard, seems to have originated with CW types that were plundering rather than foraging in the final months of the War. 

Back in the 1960's Smiths were hot numbers on NSSA circuits and they shot quite well.  Then there was that problem with the barrels on some imports being more open at the muzzle than at the breech. 

Nice to have you back over here. 


Pay attention to that soft voice in your head.

Tuolumne Lawman

I have owned and shot three 1860 Model 56-56s that were converted.  Also owned and used several 56-50 Taylors for re-enacting and CAS.  I have had samples of and shot all of the Armi Sport Spencer carbines and rifles for varying Cowboy Chronicle articles through the years, and like them all.  The only one I haven't shot is a 45 Colt.  I really liked the 44-40.  It was hands down the most accurate. 

The 56-50s Taylors where dead on at about 50-75 yards with 40 grain (volume) of FFG Triple 7 anf the Dakota Widowmaker bullet.

Now, at the moment, I don't own a Spencer.  Sold my 56-50 last year and had planned on getting a 45 colt, but it never happened.
CO. F, 12th Illinois Cavalry  SASS # 6127 Life * Spencer Shooting Society #43 * Motherlode Shootist Society #1 * River City Regulators

panhead pete

Howdy T.L,

I was curious where you have been??!!  Sorry to hear about the loss of the Horse and the Spencer!  Good to hear that you are well. 

Now I have to research the Smith!!

Happy Trails,

Panhead Pete

Tuolumne Lawman

We covered Smiths about two years ago when I first picked up a Smith.,14997.0.html

Glad to be back.  A year and a half of unemployment ad under employment after the move SUCKED!!!!!!!


Because of your recent daliances, >:( >:( first with the Henry, then the Sharps, and now the Smith, as Moderator of SSS, I felt obliged and compelled to visit my local church and light a candle in your behalf, and pray that you will see the error of your ways and return to the bosom of your first love, the Spencer Repeating Firearm ::) ::) 

Two Flints
  Does this post sound familiar ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)
CO. F, 12th Illinois Cavalry  SASS # 6127 Life * Spencer Shooting Society #43 * Motherlode Shootist Society #1 * River City Regulators

Tuolumne Lawman

Hahaha  I think you lit a candle for me two years ago! ::)
CO. F, 12th Illinois Cavalry  SASS # 6127 Life * Spencer Shooting Society #43 * Motherlode Shootist Society #1 * River City Regulators

Sgt Scott

Welcome back!

There is one more virtue to the Smith, it's a trifle bit lighter. However, I don't get to burn powder as fast as the Spencer. Hope you find the 45LC, but when you do, what will you do for ammo? have you spotted any lately?

Sgt Scott
14,000 miles, 7 states, 3 years

Will Ketchum

Bernie, sure glad to have you back.  I kept thinking about you and wondering what was going on but didn't want to bug you.

Pete (Will Ketchum)
Will Ketchum's Rules of W&CAS: 1 Be Safe. 2 Have Fun. 3  Look Good Doin It!
F&AM, NRA Endowment Life, SASS Life 4222, NCOWS Life 133.  USMC for ever.
Madison, WI

Tuolumne Lawman


it is good to be back!  Like I say, it was a tough year and a half!  It takes more than that to keep an Irishman down, though!  I heard Starline 5 in 1 work in the 45 Colt one.  44-40 is aweful sweet, though!  Ugh, I need money first ::)
CO. F, 12th Illinois Cavalry  SASS # 6127 Life * Spencer Shooting Society #43 * Motherlode Shootist Society #1 * River City Regulators

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