Taylor's Spencer Rifle

Started by Niederlander, March 23, 2009, 07:01:28 PM

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    Does anyone here shoot the Spencer Rifle (not the carbine) offered by Taylor's Inc.?  Does anyone else offer it?  How do you like it if you shoot one?  Any major problems?  I'm familiar with Spencers, as I've been shooting an original Burnside Contract carbine for several years, but I'd prefer a rifle.  Thanks!
"There go those Nebraskans, and all hell couldn't stop them!"


i have been shooting armi sports spencer rifle 56-50 fore a wile now ,good and bad points ,mine fuctuns very well but go over screws with locktight especily firing pin screws triger pull is heavy easy fix , balance of rifle is much beter than carbine,now the down side when i got mine the fore stock was very loos the barell bands look lick they ment for another type of rifle(dont buy sight unseen), if was to desine a barell that wouldnt shoot i would copy this one,the chamber is way to long and the twist is miles to fast to work with lighter 320gr to 375gr bullets,if you want it to shoot you have to youse450gr bulletsthen it realy shoot well i am sure barell was desined for 50-70 ,this is fine if you yous it as a single shot but with 450gr bullet oal to work through magizine you can only get 30gr of pouder in case, also the sights are badly made and will need modifing or replacing i recomend replacment,before i bought one i would get in touch with armi sports and ask wen they are going to put the right barell on it


    Do you know what the twist rate of the rifle is?  Is it the same as the carbine?  Thanks!
"There go those Nebraskans, and all hell couldn't stop them!"


the twist in new rifle is 1-20 new carbine is 1-26 i havent had the chance to try carbine for acuracy but the slower twist should make it more acurate ,my berncide carbine has a 1-34 twist it seem to be right on limit for 350gr bullets a slitly longer 375gr bullet shoots beter,and a freinds coverted springfield carbine to rifle shoot lick a dream with 350gr rapine T bullet,plenty of lube on this bullet,can shoot a 50 shot match without cleaning


the springfield spencer has a 1-42 twist they yoused a 1868 50-70 barell for the conversion of the difrent spencers i have shot this one was the most acurate will shoot 1 1/2 inch groups at one hundred yards all day with the right lube and bullet

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