stupid newbie question

Started by Wagon Box Willy, February 27, 2009, 06:05:38 PM

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Wagon Box Willy

Howdy folks,

Brand new to all of this and have a question about loading my Pietta 1858 NMA.  I've been loading 25 grains of Goex fffg and a .451 ball and I'm pretty pleased with the accuracy.  My question is, will that load leave a gap between the powder and ball?  When I load it seems the loading lever bottoms out (full travel) but I have no idea if the ball is actually sitting on the powder.



litl rooster

  I think a simple way of finding out if you are compressing the powder with the ball.   Run the ram down a empty chamber and take a felt tip and mark it. At the cylinder opening. Then load your powder charge and compress it without the ball. Mark the rammer again. When you seat the ball you be able to indicate with the 2 previous marks on the rammer.  The black ink will come off.
Mathew 5.9

Fiddler Green

Quote from: Willy Hooksette on February 27, 2009, 06:05:38 PM
Howdy folks,

Brand new to all of this and have a question about loading my Pietta 1858 NMA.  I've been loading 25 grains of Goex fffg and a .451 ball and I'm pretty pleased with the accuracy.  My question is, will that load leave a gap between the powder and ball?  When I load it seems the loading lever bottoms out (full travel) but I have no idea if the ball is actually sitting on the powder.



That exact same load works fine in my Pietta, 1858 Army model. The ball is down on the BP and you will have no problems shooting it.


Howdy Doody

Good advice on marking the ram. I would either use a wad or grease over the ball to eliminate any chance of chain fire. 25gr is pretty much standard for CAS from your Piettas.
yer pard,
Howdy Doody
Notorious BP shooter

Wagon Box Willy

Thanks.  Yes, I am using Crisco over the ball though I just got some lubed over powder wads (Eastern Maine) to try.

Steel Horse Bailey

Yours is one of the BETTER questions!  Yes, they CAN bottom out leaving a small gap.  When fired  it will sound more like a "Blooop" than a Whoomp  The easiest fix is to use more powder.  Try 30 or 35 grs. 

Some will tell you to use a filler, like grits or oatmeal.  I prefer using them for breakfast, but not others.  I will ALWAYS opt for more powder/power.  It makes the targets sing out in pain better!
"May Your Powder always be Dry and Black; Your Smoke always White; and Your Flames Always Light the Way to Eternal Shooting Fulfillment !"

Wagon Box Willy

I did load and shoot a dozen rounds today with wads and judging by the amount of compression I got which was about the thickness of the wad, my previous loads must have been marginal.

Fiddler Green

Quote from: Steel Horse Bailey on February 28, 2009, 02:57:26 PM

Some will tell you to use a filler, like grits or oatmeal.  I prefer using them for breakfast, but not others.  I will ALWAYS opt for more powder/power.  It makes the targets sing out in pain better!

I second that!  This is black powder, the recoil is milder (slower) then smokeless, anyway. If you really feel that you need to make it lighter still, get a .22. 


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