what a week it has been so far butthere was bright lite that I found

Started by Ace Lungger, January 08, 2009, 05:05:01 PM

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Ace Lungger

Howdy Fellars,
Even though this is going to start of not sounding leather related, but it is! I think this might of been one of the worst weeks I have ever had! :o It all starts Sunday, on Sunday I listed 9or 10 new sets of rifle and pistols dies, I also listed some other reloading items. also, I have been fighting with my neice's father, that is trying to steal here Ins. money on her car that got totaled, hearning was set for this Monday, at the last minute I get notified that it will be reschudle, on Tuesday I take my sisiter in law to a  court in witcha s, because this same guy has ask the court to release him from paying child support. Whe get there, it is 3 1/2 hr drive, when we check in we find out that he couldn't make it to this one either and ask if the judge would do it over the phone! so that means we have to wait untill ever case has been heard, before the judge can go into his cambers. I will bet that most of you know how i felt sitting on a hard bench with my back >:( >:( :'( Know all day Sunday, and monday, not one person has ask anything about my stuff for sale! I finily get home around 7pm, and I have 54 emails to answer.Wensday, I had to drive to joplin to take my neice to court, because she was with the wrong person at the wrong time!!
I get back home, and i have a pm from David Carrico, telling me that he had a box of scrap leather and i needed to come get it if I wanted it. I email him back and ask him where he lived? At that time I called TW, and TW told me that david had a web site, so I go to his web page :o :o He lives 26 miles from me, so now I am smiling ;D :D i call David and ask him if I could come over? And he said you bet! So it is10:am I get in my Caviler wagon fired it up and headed that way, made it 5 miles and a light comes on and says check gauges temp was at 270 degrees, before I could get pulled off the hwy it dies. I call a tow truck to come pick me up, call David and ask if it would be okay, if I came over in the afternoon, he said no problem! So I am still smiling :) tow truck shows up, pulls the car home, i eat my lunch, borrow my dad's car and head to David's, still smiling :)
I finanly get there 8) 8) he meets me at the door and I go inside :o :o so the leather lesson begins, we were standing talking for a while, and i was leanin against this big machine, and hanging on the wall are all these weird looking metal things in all sizes and shapes, so I ask David what is this machine , he told me it was a clicker, and i told him, I had heard the word clicker mentioned and ask him what it does, He said I will show you! he grabs this funney looking big metal thing off the wall, and grabs a peice of leather, put's the 2 toghter and hits the foot switch, and Bingo Bango, there is a holster cut out :o :o I said no way, then he ask me if I could get up the stairs so I could sit down, so we went up stairs and for 2 hours I was like a Kid at Disney World!
for those 2hrs, nothing in the world was bothering me except the pain in my back! The bad thing is, he emailed me, when I first got on the forum and told me where he lived, i must of been totaly Brain dead that day, in stead of half brain dead like every day!!

David, i hope you read this, I want to thank you so much for being so nice, and explainig things to me, and showing me all the stuff you make for sale to the Public and the stuff you make for the movies!
Next time you have a craving job to do, and if it wouldn't bother you having me watch, give me a shout! Also Thanks for the leather, i have no reason NOW not to start playing with the carving!!
Thanks so much
member of the Cas City Leather family!
Member of Storms
Member of Brown
SASS # 80961

Ten Wolves Fiveshooter

Howdy Ace

   Good story pard, and it was good talking to you on the land line last night, sorry about the car, but that's one of the things car do best, ( SOMETIMES ) I'm happy for you that you were finely able to make it over to Davids, sounds like he took real good care of you, Davids a stand up Pard for sure, so now that you have some leather lets see what comes from it, no excuse to not try carving now.  ??? ::) :o 8) :D ;D

                                 Take care pard  :D

                                           tEN wOLVES  ;) :D ;D
NRA, SASS# 69595, NCOWS#3123 Leather Shop, RATTS# 369, SCORRS, BROW, ROWSS #40   Shoot Straight, Have Fun, That's What It's All About

Marshal Will Wingam

It just goes to show you how super some people are. I like hearing things like this. Thanks for sharing that with us, Ace.

SCORRS     SASS     BHR     STORM #446

Johnny Dingus

Glad you had a great day finally Ace.

David sounds like a pard to ride with.

Spittin Lead and Packin Steel

Not Looking for a Fight but not Runnin Either

Shootin 45LC Ruger Vaqueros, 45LC USFA
Sass 70597  Yeah they count that far
Rat 285


Historian at Old Tucson
SASS #2171
STORM #371
RATS #431
True West Maniac #1261

David Carrico

Hey Ace! The pleasure was all mine. I enjoy visitors also. I get tired of talking to myself in this shop sometimes. I remember the saddlemakers and leathercraftsmen that helped me back when I was in High School just starting my leatherworking. I feel like the best way to pay them back is to continue to share the knowledge, maybe that's my Ag Ed degree coming out a little too. With your knowledge about machining, I know you can make those stamping tools. I'm sure some of us here would love to see them and maybe buy some. Thanks again for stopping in!

Johnny McCrae

Ace, Thank you for posting this story. I'm happy that things turned out for you.

David, Many thanks to you for the kindness and generosity you have shown to Ace!

You need to learn to like all the little everday things like a sip of good whiskey, a soft bed, a glass of buttermilk,  and a feisty old gentleman like myself

Ace Lungger

howdy Fella's  :),
I allways tried to look at life as if, there is a light around every corner! sometimes we don't see that light for a period of time! ???
And we wonder if this is the last time, but out of no where, there it is!! :) when i found you fellars I was at the end, I had, had everything takin away from me, my income, everything I injoyed doing, and myself astean! And then a light a apeard, it was the people on this forum! Hands down, there is not another group of people who are as kind, and helpfull as the pards on here.
My Mentor, who I look up to with the greatest respect a person can get! he has special powers, he allways knows when something is wrong in my life, and he will call me, and he will help me work things out! He is the best of the Best, and I think most of you know who i am talking about! ;)

I better go.
Some of you believe and some don't, and that is your choice!
To you that believe, God Bless You , to you that don't thank you!
Have a good weekend my friends!
member of the Cas City Leather family!
Member of Storms
Member of Brown
SASS # 80961


LOL. Ace, if I could, I'd be snatching myself up a clicker ... it cuts out the fun part of cutting, and lets you get down to the nitty and gritty.

I have a saddler locally who I stop in to see every now and again, and I'm always pestering him with this question or that question. I tell him I'm always sorry about bothering him, but he just laughs and says he enjoys it because no one ever taught him anything, it was just tear stuff apart and figure it out on your own, because everyone kinda guarded their secrets when he was learning way back in the day.

It's the nice people like him and David that share their gifts of knowledge that make working on leather so worthwhile, and the places like the Cascity Leather Shop something that is so worthwhile!
Just because you CAN ride the hide off a horse, doesn't mean you should.

http://www.youtube.com/artroland - The home of Backyard Horsemanship!

Ace Lungger

Howdy RT,  :)
You are right, there is another gentleman that is on this forum that lives about 2 times as far to drive, but he has offered to teach me how to carve! He works a full time job, and I just feel bad about having a persson ruin a day of there weekend to teach me!
Weekends are for your family time, or doing something else, not teaching some one like me to carve! I have just got to make my self teach myself! I have a dozen books that tells me what to use and where.
R.T. The clicker's are cool, but it would have to be in a buiness to own one.
I just want a sewing machine to sew the top and bottom of the belts! And I had one give to me, and my Aunt & Uncle couldn't drive 2 hours out of there way to get it for me.
member of the Cas City Leather family!
Member of Storms
Member of Brown
SASS # 80961


I believe Weaver has a deal where you can pay for a die, and they'll click your orders for you.

Just because you CAN ride the hide off a horse, doesn't mean you should.

http://www.youtube.com/artroland - The home of Backyard Horsemanship!

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