Henry Rifles in the Army of the James

Started by Henry4440, November 21, 2008, 03:41:19 PM

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I have a question about Henry rifles in the Army of the James.
Major General Benjam F.Butler wrote Sept. 21,1864 to Lieutenant General Grant:
......By an order of the War Department eight companies of our cavalry, armed with Henry rifles, have been ordered to the other army and these are to replace them............
Official Records  Series 1 - Volume 42 (Part II) p.960
Could these eight companies be from the 1st. D.C. Cavalry?
Seven companies(Cos. "D," "F," "G," "H," "I," "K" and "L" ) of the 1st DC Cavalry were transferred to 1st Maine Cavalry August 27, 1864 and assigned to the several companies of this regiment by Special Order No. 17, War Dept. series of 1864.


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