.36 vs .44 weight

Started by PJ Hardtack, September 03, 2012, 06:07:32 PM

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PJ Hardtack

I've got three Remington .44s - a Pietta, a Uberti and one built from a kit, my favourite! Even my wife has come to enjoy them. Also a consecutive pair of Taylor's 44-40 conversions. Guess you might say I prefer Remingtons to Colts.

Question - I have a shot at an 'as new in box' Remington in .36. Are they built on the same size frame as the .44s? If not, they must have a real hefty feel to them in .36.
"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.
I don't do these things to others and I require the same from them."  John Wayne

Slowhand Bob

It is my understanding that all of the currently made '58s are on the same frame size.  This would indicate that the .36s should way a bit more than the .44s since less steal has been bored out for the smaller caliber??  I think the originals did have a slight size difference between the two calibers?

River City John

Above an example of size difference. Uberti .36 on left (built on .44 frame), Euroarms .36 on right.

Euroarms closer to actual size for .36 Remington. Fits more comfortably in my hand.

"I was born by the river in a little tent, and just like the river I've been running ever since." - Sam Cooke
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GAF #275

PJ Hardtack


Thanks for the photo comparison!  The .36 I mentioned is a Uberti, so I'm thinkin' it might be built on the .44 size frame.

My wife and I both have small hands and we find the .44 frame comfortable. The frames on my Taylor's 44-40 conversions are noticeably larger and heavier. Holsters for the .44 cap & ball guns are a tight for for the conversions.

I also have a Pietta .44 c/w a 5 shot .45 Colt Kirst conversion and while a great shooter, it gives me the classic Remington 'knuckle rap' when shooting 'Duelist', even with 200 gr bullets. It's enough of a rap to get my attention after a couple of cylinder loads.
"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.
I don't do these things to others and I require the same from them."  John Wayne

Slowhand Bob

I have a pair of the short barl Pietta '58s with the unported conversion cylinders in place that I will try to photograph and post.  One of my holster patterns works well with the Remingtons, 1860s and the '73SAA as a fairly good universal fit and I had my '58s out checking the fit yesterday.  This same holster pattern worked real well for the Uberti RM Conversions I used to have but I do not have the factory Conversin Remingtons to test it out with.  I do know that I considered the Uberti Colt Conversions to be larger than a Kirst converted cap and ball Colt.

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