Powder fouling

Started by Schyster, July 18, 2008, 06:19:47 PM

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Howdy   I was haven a problem with powder fouling in my guns.  We shoot about 400 rounds a week end and the build up in the calendars of the revolvers is bad and the stuff in the rifle is not good.  I shoot 38,s in a 357.  Smokeless powder.  Any Ideas the solvent I was is just not cutting it.

Never make seven men mad if you only have a six gun.


Calendars of the revolvers?  Are you talking about powder fouling or lead fouling?  Just about any solvent will remove powder fouling.  What kind of powder are you using and what exactly is the problem?

Sagebrush Burns

Do you mean in the cylinders of your revolvers?  Using a shorter case in the longer chamber (38/357) will usually lead to some serious carbon build up in the front part of the chamber which can be difficult to remove, and may make it difficult or impossible to chamber full length rounds.  The best solvent I've found for that has been M Pro 7, but there is still a lot of work involved.  An over size brass brush chucked into your electric drill can speed things up some.  Best bet is to use 357 brass and eliminate the problem.

Camille Eonich

Or maybe you're talking about unburnt pwoder...? ???
"Extremism is so easy. You've got your position, and that's it. It doesn't take much thought. And when you go far enough to the right you meet the same idiots coming around from the left."
― Clint Eastwood


M Pro 7 works pretty well, but there are many chemicals that you can use., including Shooters Choice and even Kroil penetrating oil.  I use Kroil and it works great but smells bad.   

A very helpful tool is the Lewis Lead Remover

Another company makes a similar product as well.

I think Outers may make a similar tool.

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