Don't remember

Started by Noz, June 23, 2008, 02:37:04 PM

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If you get to be my age then occasionally CRS kicks in.
I'm trying to size and lube a 200 gr RNFP 44-40 bullet. Obviously it is a short bullet. I can not for the life of me see where I can adjust the sizer to keep it from pushing the bullet too far into the die and allowing the lube to pour over the ogive and creating a mess.
I'm using an RCBS LAM II sizer with a Lyman sizing die.

Dick Dastardly

I'm not sure about the RCBS lube/sizer, but the Lyman unit has a stem on the bottom that can be adjusted up or down to set the depth that the bullet goes on the down stroke.

Avid Ballistician in Holy Black
Riverboat Gambler and Wild Side Rambler
Gunfighter Ordinar
Purveyor of Big Lube supplies


Didn't have it turned up as far as I thought.

Dick Dastardly

Lou Graham would have said "ya don't have the thingamabob on the lower side of the whutchamajiggy set rite".  Same thing tho.  It's the depth adjustment.

Sorry Lou. . .

Avid Ballistician in Holy Black
Riverboat Gambler and Wild Side Rambler
Gunfighter Ordinar
Purveyor of Big Lube supplies

Dr. Bob


Now don'tcha go pickin of Ms. Lou!  She is a fine lady and a good shot too!! ;D ;D  Jest cause she uses different technical terms is no reason to single her out!! :o ;D ;D
Regards, Doc
Dr. Bob Butcher,
NCOWS 2420, Senator
HR 4
GAF 405,
NRA Life,
KGC 8.
Motto: Clean mind  -  Clean body,   Take your pick

Dick Dastardly

Miz Lou is one of my very favorites.  I wouldn't cast no rocks on her no matter whut.  But, you've gotta admit that she brings a refreshing vocabulary to each situation.  My smiles are the best when she replies. 

Avid Ballistician in Holy Black
Riverboat Gambler and Wild Side Rambler
Gunfighter Ordinar
Purveyor of Big Lube supplies

Black Powder

I understood Ms. Lou perfectly.  But like NozzleRag, I'll forget by the time I run into the same problem...

I've got my excuses and I'm stickin' to 'em.

Singing Bear

If yer over 55, it's called a senior moment.  I hates senior moments.   Seems the number of these episodes are in direct proportion to how many years ya are over that magic number of years.  :-[  Heck, I forget to cast new bullets, resize them, reload something or other and even forget to go to our monthly CAS matches.   "Hey Hon!  I got a match next we......awe S---!  Nevermind!  It was today!" ;D   What really don't help is if yer an older Daddy with an 8 yr. old daughter, especially one with a motor mouth and is a drama queen to boot.   Can't even think when she's around yapping away'bout one thing or another.   :D


Noz,  Whatcha need to do is size them bullets first and then lube with Lee's Tumble Lube. Then it don't matter where the lube goes when it is seated. Besides, lube that is the closest to the nose is what keeps that bullet slick on the way down the barrel as it gets slung out front.  Used to load "slip-in" bullets to practice with and then just dip nose into Lee's lube and shoot away. Best part is when you're loading 44 mags at about 1550 and get no leading from wheel weight soft bullets. Like Brylcreme..."a little dab
'll do ya!"  "Course if your forcing cone is flat or the cylinder throats are off center, all bets are off.

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